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Imperial Library
Part I: Essential Changes in the Political Economy of Imperialism
1. The Building of International Monopolies
2. The Battle of the International Monopolies for the World Market
3. The Development of Food Production Under the Dictates of the International Monopolies
4. The Emergence of an International Industrial Proletariat
5. Changes in the Class Structure as a Result of the Internationalization of Capitalist Production
6. International Big Banks as Driving Force of the Internationalization of Capitalist Production
7. The Role of the Stock Exchange in the Process of the Internationalization of Capital
8. The Reign of Finance Capital over the World Economy
9. The People’s Republic of China – A Rising Social-Imperialist Power
Part II: The Reorganization of International Production Ushers in a New Phase in the Development of Imperialism
1. The Breakdown of the Soviet Union Against the Background of the Internationalization of the Capitalist Production
2. The Fifth Investment Period of State-Monopoly Capitalism in the FRG
3. Exploitation Offensive as Basis of the Reorganization of International Production
4. The Reorganization of International Production
5. The International Monopolies Undermine the Role and Function of the National States
6. Sweeping Privatization of State-Owned Enterprises and Facilities
7. The Chronic Crisis of State Finances and the Redistribution of National Income
8. Changes in State Subsidy Policy as Exemplified by Ruhrkohle AG
9. The European Union as Instrument of the International Monopolies
10. International Forms of Organization of Finance Capital
11. The Devastating Effects of Neoliberalism on the Neocolonially Dependent Countries
Part III: The Reorganization of International Production Exacerbates the Crisis of the Imperialist World System
1. The International Structural Crisis on the Basis of the Reorganization of International Production
2. New Phenomena in the First World Economic Crisis of the New Millennium
3. Interaction Between Overproduction Crisis, Stock Exchange Crisis and Bank Crisis
4. The Crisis of State Regulation
5. The International Competitive Struggle of Finance Capital Prevents Effective Measures Against the Global Environmental Crisis
6. The International Tendency Towards Dissolution of the Bourgeois Family System
7. A New Phase in the Struggle for the Redivision of the World
8. The Chronic Political Crisis and the Fight Against “International Terrorism”
9. The Crisis of the Bourgeois and Petty-Bourgeois Theories of Globalization
Index of Tables
Index of Charts
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