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Imperial Library
Table of Contents
Act I—The need for creative ideas.
The pitch meeting
Why we need an answer
A dividing question since the ‘70s
How both sides prove they’re right
A greater need for an answer today
What creativity brings to the table
Design thinking and empathy
Act II—The science behind creativity.
The brain inside
The forest from the trees
The computer in your head
Right versus left
Crossing the streams
Meet your frontal lobe
The croc has croaked
Embracing the whole brain
Logic alone isn’t enough
Should we put more value on logic or emotion?
Are emotions animal instincts?
Learning to be creative
Should right-brainers rule?
The experience is the difference
Living in harmony
Two systems. One brain
Two points of view
The tip of the brainberg
The strength of each system
Different speeds for different jobs
A little test of your systems
Two systems in under two seconds
How we make decisions
We have a match
When there isn’t a match
Decisions. Decisions. Decisions
Emotion and memory
How we remember
Helping customers remember
The answer is both
Data and your gut instincts
But when I make a difficult decision it feels logical
Logic is emotion. And vice versa
Whole brain marketing
Act III—Putting it all into practice.
Insight into the standard marketing pitch
Getting noticed, with neuroscience
Engaging ideas that stick
Ideas that are liked are remembered
Brand preference becomes loyalty
The entire customer journey needs emotion
Brand voice gets a tune-up
Voice versus tone
The tone hierarchy
The right tone for every step
Create your peace treaty
The ideal length of a headline
Words and the brain
Back to headline length
But people scan headlines
Making better marketing decisions
The creative decision-making process
How this helps non-creative folks
Strengthen our gut
Become a creative champion
Good decisions require good emotions
How to measure creative ideas
Agile versus waterfall
Data-driven measurement
A simple solution to measure
Hard numbers for a soft experience
Creative goals may require the creative team
Balanced metrics
A balanced approach to award shows and focus groups
All that glitters is good?
A focus group of one
Boaty McBoatface
A balanced approach
Creativity is the bottom line
The future of creativity is you
The next golden age of marketing
Russell, I haven’t forgotten
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