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Imperial Library
Title Page
Moral Questions
Social Beings
Communitarians or Individualists?
Setting the Stage Ten Central Questions
The Social Origins of Belief Systems
Morality and Religion
Morality and Human Nature
Do We Have Any Choice?
Is Society to Blame?
Moral Relativism
Ethical Absolutism
Relativism versus Absolutism
Another Absolutist Reply
Are They Both Wrong?
The Problem of Moral Knowledge
A Brief History of Ethics The Greek City State
Greeks and Philosophy
The Socratic Method
Socratic Ethics: Know Thyself
Plato’s Republic
Plato versus the Sophists
The World of Forms
A Closed Society
Aristotle and Commonsense Ethics
The Teleological View and the “Mean”
A Dull but Good Person
Hellenistic Ethics
The Advent of Christianity
Medieval and Scholastic Ethics
The Rise of Humanism
Brutes or Innocents?
The Social Contract
Is It True?
Romantic Innocence
The Noble Savage
Mutual Aiders or Sociobiology
The Social Gene
Symbolic Animals
Marx and Economic Determinism
False Consciousness
The Law and Morality
Happiness Sums
A Practical Example
Consequences not Motives
Mill’s Ideas
Rule Utilitarians
Mill’s Pluralism
What is Happiness?
Is It Really Scientific?
The Moral Law of Duty
Practical Reason
Duty versus Inclination
The Parable of the Rich Young Man
The Universability Test
Inflexible Rules
Moral Imagination
Ethical Doctrines Contrasted
Hume’s Radical Scepticism
Beliefs are Psychological
Is the “Is-Ought Gap” True?
Subjectivists and Objectivists
Moral Language is Nonsense
The Importance of the Imagination
Choosing To Be: Existentialism
The Student Who Couldn’t Decide
The Road to Postmodernism
What Is This Thing Called “Human Nature”?
Freud’s Model of the Psyche
The Unconscious and Moral Autonomy
Lacan: the Fiction of the “Self”
The Holocaust and the Betrayal of the Enlightenment
The Dangers of “Reason”
Postmodernist Scepticism
Human, All Too Human
Postmodernist Visions: Supermarket Slavery
Post-Marxist Critical Theory
Nietzschean Dandyism
The Evils of Modernism
Moral Philosophers and Legislators
Postmodernist Societies
The Postmodernist Moral Agent
A Postmodern Hope: Neo-Tribes
Social Ethics
The Future Community: a New Social Contract
Social Justice
Bring Back Aristotle
Why Has Ethics Become a Mess?
Hope in Traditions
What Are the Virtues?
And Where is Postmodernism Going?
Time for a New Feminist Ethics
Private and Public Spheres
Sensible Jake and Sensitive Amy
Different Moral Priorities
Environmental Ethics
Anthropocentric Ethics
The Newbury Case
Does it Matter?
We Are Not Outsiders
ETHICS AND ANIMALS The Libellous Philosophers
Animal Rights
Can We Prove That Animals Have Rights?
The Utilitarian Argument
Animals and Pain
Animal Experiments
The Persons Argument
Are Chimpanzees Persons?
ETHICS AND EUTHANASIA The Case of Dr Cox and Mrs Boyes
The Trial
Is Euthanasia Acceptable?
Arguments Against Euthanasia
Counter Arguments
The Coma Patient
Let Nature Take Its Course
Let The Patient Decide
What Do The Philosophers Say?
The Utilitarians
Virtue Theory Again
What Do We Conclude?
Further Reading
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