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Imperial Library
Love Letters from Famous People
Abigail Adams to John Adams
Beethoven Love Letters to His Immortal Beloved
Letter 1
Letter 2
From Ludwig Van Beethoven to the Immortal Beloved,
Napoleon Bonaparte to Josephine De Beauharnais
April 3, 1796
April 24, 1796
May 13, 1796
Elizabeth Barrett Browning & Robert Browning
To Elizabeth Barrett Browning
To Robert Browning:
Robert Browning to Elizabeth Barrett Browning
Robert Burns Love Letter
Lord Byron to Lady Caroline Lamb
Lord Randolph (Henry Spencer) Churchill to Jeanette (Jennie) Jerome
Kenneth Fearing
Gustave Flaubert to Louise Colet
Lord Byron to Teresa Guiccioli
Nathaniel Hawthorne To Sophia Hawthorne
Henry IV to Gabrielle d'Estrees From the battle field before Dreux
Victor Hugo to Adele Foucher
Jack London to Anna Strunsky
James Joyce to His Wife
James Joyce to Nora Barnacle
Juliette Drouet, French actress, to Victor Hugo
Franz Kafka To Felice Bauer
Franz Kafka to Milena Jesenska
Keats to Fanny Brawne
March 1820
Newport, July 3, 1819
July 8, 1819
July 15, 1819
July 27, 1819
Lady Caroline Lamb to Captain Thomas Medwin
Edgar Allen Poe
Walter Raleigh's Final to his Wife
Rainer Maria Rilke
Zelda Sayre to F. Scott Fitzgerald
Count Leo Tolstoi to Valeria Arsenev, his fiance.
November 2, 1856
November 9, 1856
Voltaire to Olympe Dunover
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe to Charlotte von Stein
Vincent Van Gogh
Dylan Thomas
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
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