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Imperial Library
Title Page
Preface: Racism and Inequality in a Time of Illness and Uprising
Introduction: America’s Longest War
I. Post-Racial Blues: Race and Reality in the Obama Years
Good, Now Back to Work: The meaning (and limits) of the Obama victory
Denial Is a River Wider than the Charles: Implicit bias and the burden of blackness in the age of Obama
Harpooning the Great White Wail: Reflections on racism and right-wing buffoonery
Imagine for a Moment: Protest, privilege, and the power of whiteness
If it Walks Like a Duck and Talks Like a Duck: Racism and the death of respectable conservatism
Bullying Pulpit: The problematic politics of personal responsibility
No Innocence Left to Kill: Trayvon Martin, George Zimmerman, and coming of age in an unjust nation
Killing One Monster, Unleashing Another: Reflections on revenge and revelry in America
You Will Know them by the Eyes of their Whites: Ferguson and white denial
II. Trumpism and the Politics of Prejudice
Discovering the Light in Darkness: Donald Trump and the future of America
Reeking City on a Dung Heap: The dangerous worldview of Donald Trump
Patriotism is for Black People: Colin Kaepernick and the politics of protest
If It’s a Civil War, Pick a Side: Charlottesville and the meaning of Trumpism
Making a Murderer (Politically Profitable): Immigration and hysteria in Trumplandia
Racist is Too Mild a Term: The president is a white nationalist
The Face of American Terrorism is White
Weaponized Nostalgia: The evil genius of Donald Trump
III. 2020 Vision—america at the Crossroads?
Americanism Is a Pandemic’s Bff: Why the U.S. has been so vulnerable to COVID
It’s Not a Death Cult, It’s a Mass Murder Movement: The homicidal indifference of MAGA nation
Saying the Quiet Part Out Loud: COVID and Trumpism reveal America’s true virus
Bad Will Hunting: The killing of Ahmaud Arbery and the rituals of white supremacy
This Bias Is Not Implicit: The problem isn’t fear, it’s contempt for black humanity
It’s Not the Apples, It’s the Orchard: Police violence is neither new nor rare
Violence Never Works? America Would Beg to Differ
Nobody’s Perfect—So Why Do We Need Black People to Be?: Demanding angelic victims of police violence is absurd
IV. Confronting White Denial, Deflection, and Fragility
White Denial Is as American as Apple Pie
What, Me Racist?: Understanding why your intentions are not the point
Weaponizing Appalachia: Race, class and the art of white deflection
Chicago Is Not a Punch Line (Or an Alibi): White deflection and “black-on-black crime”
Identity Politics are Not the Problem, Identity-Based Oppression Is
Farrakhan Is Not the Problem: Exploring the appeal of white America’s bogeyman
You May Not Be Racist but Your Ideology Is: Why modern conservatism is racist
Who’s the Snowflake Now?: White fragility in a time of turmoil
V. Mis-Remember When: Race and American Amnesia
Dream Interrupted: The sanitizing of Martin Luther King Jr
Holocaust Denial, American-Style
History, Memory, and the Implicit Racism of Right-Wing Moralizing
Europe Didn’t Send their Best Either: Immigration and the lies we tell about America (and ourselves)
Racism Is Evil but Not Un-American
Maga Is a Slur and Your Hat Is Hateful
Statues Make Good Rubble: An open letter to my fellow Southerners
VI. Armed with a Loaded Footnote: Debunking the Right
Cheap White Whine: Debunking reverse discrimination and white victimhood
Rationalizing Unequal Policing: Exposing the right’s war on justice
Hey Conservatives, Facts Don’t Care About Your Feelings: Debunking the lie of welfare dependence
Baby Mama Drama: Debunking the Black Out-of-Wedlock Birth Rate Crisis
Debunking the Model Minority Myth: Asian Americans as pawns in a white game
Intelligence and Its Discontents: Debunking IQ, and the absurdity of race science
Nazis Make Lousy Researchers: Debunking the myth of Jewish power
VII. Where Do We Go from Here?
Not Ready to Make Nice: The fallacy of outreach and understanding
Checking Privilege (While Not Being an Asshole)
Spreading Solidarity in Pandemic Times: Coalition building in post-coronavirus America
“Listen to Black People” Is Exactly Correct and Entirely Insufficient: Amplifying black voices does not mean refusing to use our own
Taking Personal Responsibility Seriously: Rejecting white saviorism and embracing allyship
Forget Stem, We Need Mesh: Civics education and the future of America
Who’s Afraid of De-Policing?: Why a radical-sounding idea isn’t as crazy as you think
Hope Is a Noun, Justice Is a Verb, and Nouns are Not Enough
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