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Imperial Library
Cover Page
Title Page
Copyright Page
List of illustrations
A note on spellings
Table of competing powers in Ravenna
1 The emergence of Ravenna as the imperial capital of the West
PART ONE 390 – 450 Galla Placidia
2 Galla Placidia, Theodosian princess
3 Honorius (395– 423) and the development of Ravenna
4 Galla Placidia at the western court (416– 23)
5 Galla Placidia, builder and empress mother
PART TWO 450 – 93 The Rise of the Bishops
6 Valentinian III and Bishop Neon
7 Sidonius Apollinaris in Ravenna
8 Romulus Augustulus and King Odoacer
PART THREE 493– 540 Theoderic the Goth, Arian King of Ravenna
9 Theoderic the Ostrogoth
10 Theoderic’s kingdom
11 Theoderic’s diplomacy
Color Plate 1
12 Theoderic the lawgiver
13 Amalasuintha and the legacy of Theoderic
PART FOUR 540 – 70 Justinian I and the campaigns in North Africa and Italy
14 Belisarius captures Ravenna
15 San Vitale, epitome of Early Christendom
16 Narses and the Pragmatic Sanction
17 Archbishop Maximian, bulwark of the West
18 Archbishop Agnellus and the seizure of the Arian churches
PART FIVE 568– 643 King Alboin and the Lombard conquest
19 Alboin invades
20 The exarchate of Ravenna
Color Plate 2
21 Gregory the Great and the control of Ravenna
22 Isaac, the Armenian exarch
23 Agnellus the doctor
PART SIX 610 – 700 The expansion of Islam
24 The Arab conquests
25 Constans II in Sicily
26 The Sixth Oecumenical Council
27 The Anonymous Cosmographer of Ravenna
Color Plate 3
PART SEVEN 685– 725 The two reigns of Justinian II
28 The Council in Trullo
29 The heroic Archbishop Damianus
30 The tempestuous life of Archbishop Felix
PART EIGHT 700 – 769 Ravenna returns to the margins
31 Leo III and the defeat of the Arabs
32 The beginnings of Iconoclasm
33 Pope Zacharias and the Lombard conquest of Ravenna
34 Archbishop Sergius takes control
PART NINE 756– 813 Charlemagne and Ravenna
35 The long rule of King Desiderius
36 Charles in Italy, 774– 87
37 Charles claims the stones of Ravenna
Color Plate 4
Conclusion: The glittering legacy of Ravenna
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