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Your Brain Under Stress
You Can Change Your Brain
A Program to Build a Stress-Proof Brain
How This Book Is Organized
Part 1: Understanding Your Stress
Chapter 1: Your Brain’s Stress Response
Acute vs. Chronic Stress
Your Brain Possesses Neuroplasticity
How Ted Changed His Automatic Response to Stress
Stress and Your Emotions
Your Brain’s Response to Stress
Your Amygdala
Your Hypothalamus
Your Hippocampus
Your Prefrontal Cortex
Your Physiological Response to Stress
Stress and Your Adrenal Glands
Stress and Cortisol
Stress and Your Autonomic Nervous System
Stress and Your Vagus Nerve
Stress and Neurotransmitters
The Effects of Chronic Stress
Stress and Your Brain
Stress and Your Heart
Stress and Weight Gain
Stress and Your Immune System
Stress and Cellular Aging
How Stressed Do You Feel?
Final Thoughts
Chapter 2: What Type of Stressor Are You Facing?
Developmental Transitions
Major Life Events
Unemployment or Job Loss
Relationship Breakups
Chronic Stressors
Caring for a Family Member with a Disability or an Illness
An Unhappy Marriage or Relationship
Work Stress
Daily Hassles
Adverse Childhood Events (ACEs)
How Trauma and ACEs Affect Your Stress Response
Dealing with Your Stressor
Final Thoughts
Part 2: Calming Your Amygdala
Chapter 3: Staying Grounded in the Present Moment
The Roots of Mindfulness
Mindfulness and Your Amygdala
What Is Mindfulness?
Characteristics of a Mindful State of Mind
An Observing Stance
Slowing Things Down
Focusing on the Present Moment
Replacing Fear with Curiosity
Openness and Nonjudgment
An Attitude of Equanimity
“Being” Instead of “Doing”
The “How” of Mindfulness
Mindfulness of Your Senses
Mindfulness of Objects
Integrating Mindfulness into Your Everyday Life
How Mindfulness Calms Down Your Amygdala
Final Thoughts
Chapter 4: Facing and Accepting Your Emotions
How Cultural Views of Emotions Can Get in Your Way
Grounding Strategies
Allowing and Accepting Stressful Emotions
The Functional Side of Emotions
Containing, Softening, and Soothing Your Emotions
Expressing Your Emotions
Final Thoughts
Chapter 5: Gaining Control over Your Stress
Why Control Is Important
How You View Your Stress Matters
Building Stress Resilience
Applying Perceived Control to Reduce Your Stress
Finding the Confidence to Manage Your Stress
Deciding Which Parts of the Stressor You Can Control
Letting Go of What You Can’t Control
Final Thoughts
Chapter 6: Learning Self-Compassion
We Pressure Ourselves When Under Stress
The Costs of Not Letting Up
Being More Compassionate with Yourself
Final Thoughts
Part 3: Moving Forward with Your Prefrontal Cortex
Chapter 7: Becoming Cognitively Flexible
Integrated and Unintegrated Brain Responses to Stress
Stress and Cognitive Flexibility
Overcoming Worry and Rumination
Diagnosing and Overcoming Thinking Traps
Final Thoughts
Chapter 8: Bringing in the Positive
Overcoming Hypervigilance
Overcoming a Scarcity Mind-Set
Creating Positive States of Mind
Using Gratitude to Gain a New Perspective
Final Thoughts
Chapter 9: Finding the Right Mind-Set
The “Stress-Is-Beneficial” Mind-Set
The Benefits of Stress
Becoming Gritty
Final Thoughts
Chapter 10: Living Healthy in the Face of Stress
Chronic Stress and Inflammation
Chronic Stress and Weight Gain
Stress and Sleep Disturbance
Stress and Alcohol Use
Exercising to Manage Your Stress
Building an Exercise Habit
Improving Your Sleep
Eating Healthier When You Feel Stressed
Final Thoughts
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