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Imperial Library
1. Adrian and Alice
2. Paul
3. Walscombe
4. Cathy
5. Angus
6. Adrian and Alice
7. A Council Meeting
8. Moore
9. Back to the Council meeting
10. Walscombe
11. Alice and Adrian
12. Bately
13. Alice and Adrian
14. The Southern Outpost
15. Alice and Adrian
16. The Southern Outpost
17. Luke
18. Ashford
19. Atlantis
20. An encounter
21. A guest in Atlantis
22. Bately
23. Atlantis
24. A night-time visit
25. Someone dark
Dear Reader
Rise of the Wraiths
1. The Lookout
2. Paul
3. Walscombe
4. The healer
5. A Place Unlike Home
6. Angus
7. R3dPill
8. Walscombe
9. The ’Wraith Pack
10. Alice and Adrian
11. Shedding Skin
12. Someone Knocks
13. Walscombe
14. The Council Meeting
15. Alice, Adrian, Mathew
16. Something Goes Missing
17. The King of Atlantis
18. Cathy
19. The ’Wraith Pack
20. Signals
21. The Guard
22. To Bately Castle
23. Angus
24. Neeson
25. R3dPill
26. Rise of the Meteorwraiths
27. Paul
28. R3dPill
29. Bately Castle
30. Divide et Impera
31. A Kingdom of One
Dear Reader,
Gods From the Shadows
1. Someone Dark
2. Alice and Adrian
3. The Priest
4. Missing
5. The Flying Machine
6. The Black Box
7. Claudio
8. Alice and Adrian
9. Death by Fire
10. Paul
11. R3dPill
12. Strangers Welcome
13. Cathy
14. Ana
15. Death of a Priest
16. R3dPill
17. The Warden Pays a Visit
18. The Enemy of Thine Enemy
19. The New World
20. A Throne Fit for a King
21. The Way This World Works
22. R3dPill
23. A Night-Time Dig
24. Half-Wraith
25. R3dPill
26. Alice and Adrian
27. Walscombe
Dear Reader,
1. Maurice
2. Paul
3. Sea of Sands
4. Walscombe
5. Alice
6. X Marks the Spot
7. Three Steps
8. Ana
9. R3dPill
10. Walscombe
11. Lucy
12. Glitch
13. The ’Wraith Queen
14. Mordor
15. Paul
16. Walscombe
17. Cathy
18. Ana
19. R3dPill
20. Alice
21. The Beginning of the End
22. The Dance of the Dead
23. Atlantis
24. Bately
25. Atlantis
26. Alice
27. Atlantis
28. The Throne
29. The End
30. Somewhere in America
Epilogue. The Beginning
Dear Reader
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