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Imperial Library
Title Page
Copyright Notice
Table of Contents
The Shadow of the Torturer
I - Resurrection and Death
II - Severian
III - The Autarch’s Face
IV - Triskele
V - The Picture-Cleaner and Others
VI - The Master of the Curators
VII - The Traitress
VIII - The Conversationalist
IX - The House Azure
X - The Last Year
XI - The Feast
XII - The Traitor
XIII - The Lictor of Thrax
XIV - Terminus Est
XV - Baldanders
XVI - The Rag Shop
XVII - The Challenge
XVIII - The Destruction of the Altar
XIX - The Botanic Gardens
XX - Father Inire’s Mirrors
XXI - The Hut in the Jungle
XXII - Dorcas
XXIII - Hildegrin
XXIV - The Flower of Dissolution
XXV - The Inn of Lost Loves
XXVI - Sennet
XXVII - Is He Dead?
XXVIII - Carnifex
XXIX - Agilus
XXX - Night
XXXI - The Shadow of the Torturer
XXXII - The Play
XXXIII - Five Legs
XXXIV - Morning
XXXV - Hethor
The Claw of the Conciliator
I - The Village of Saltus
II - The Man in the Dark
III - The Showman’s Tent
IV - The Bouquet
V - The Bourne
VI - Blue Light
VII - The Assassins
VIII - The Cultellarii
IX - The Liege of Leaves
X - Thea
XI - Thecla
XII - The Notules
XIII - The Claw of the Conciliator
XIV - The Antechamber
XV - Fool’s Fire
XVI - Jonas
XVII - The Tale of the Student and His Son
Part I The Redoubt of the Magicians
Part II The Fleshing of the Hero
Part III The Encounter with the Princess
Part IV The Battle with the Ogre
Part V The Death of the Student
XVIII - Mirrors
XIX - Closets
XX - Pictures
XXI - Hydromancy
XXII - Personifications
XXIII - Jolenta
XXIV - Dr. Talos’s Play: Eschatology and Genesis
XXV - The Attack on the Hierodules
XXVI - Parting
XXVII - Toward Thrax
XXVIII - The Odalisque of Abaia
XXIX - The Herdsmen
XXX - The Badger Again
XXXI - The Cleansing
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