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Imperial Library
Prologue: Ghazni Province, Afghanistan
Chapter 1: Alex and the Grudge
Chapter 2: Kristin and the Blue Balls
Chapter 3: Kristin and the Townie
Chapter 4: Alex and Suspicion
Chapter 5: Kristin and Ephesians 5:3
Chapter 6: Alex and PTSD
Chapter 7: Kristin and Norris Lake
Chapter 8: Alex and the Ne’er-Do-Well
Chapter 9: Alex and Danger in Paradise
Chapter 10: Alex and the Island
Chapter 11: Alex and the Rope Swing
Chapter 12: Kristin and Pressure
Chapter 13: Alex and Indoor Plumbing
Chapter 14: Menace
Chapter 15: Alex and the Shit Show
Chapter 16: Alex and the Bridge
Chapter 17: Kristin and the Crime Scene
Chapter 18: Alex and the Shitter’s Full
Chapter 19: Alex and Their Civic Duty
Chapter 20: Alex and Bubba’s Brews
Chapter 21: Kristin and the Brewing Storm
Chapter 22: Alex and the Kayak
Chapter 23: Alex and the Sheriff
Chapter 24: Kristin and WWJD
Chapter 25: Alex and the Exam
Chapter 26: Man’s Best Friend
Chapter 27: Kristin and Curiosity
Chapter 28: The Mistake
Chapter 29: Alex and Missing
Chapter 30: Alex and from Bad to Worse
Chapter 31: Alex and the Confession
Chapter 32: Alex and Torture
Chapter 33: Alex and Chaos
Chapter 34: Alex and the Getaway
Chapter 35: Alex and the Arrest
Chapter 36: Alex and the Watcher
Chapter 37: Alex and the Accusation
Chapter 38: Alex and the Search
Chapter 39: Alex and the Aftermath
Chapter 40: Alex and Going Home
Chapter 41: Alex and the Funeral
Chapter 42: Alex and Obsession
Chapter 43: Alex and the Invitation
Chapter 44: Alex and the Destination Wedding
Chapter 45: Alex and the Puzzle
Chapter 46: Alex and 48 Hours Mystery
Chapter 47: Alex and MO
Chapter 48: Alex and Justice
Chapter 49: Alex and the Investigation
Chapter 50: Alex and Jackson Hole
Chapter 51: Alex and the Cabin
Chapter 52: Alex and Loyalties
Chapter 53: Alex and Reap What You Sow
Chapter 54: Alex and Blood’s Thicker than Water
Chapter 55: Alex and Harvey’s Gift
Chapter 56: Alex and Emma
Chapter 57: Alex and God’s Plan
Chapter 58: Alex and Popping Bubbles
Chapter 59: Alex and Blessed
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