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Imperial Library
Publisher’s Note
Part I: Home Defence Plans 1933-39
Chapter 1 The Attempt to Prevent German Aggression 1933-36
Chapter 2 Britain on the Defensive
Chapter 3 Defence Against Air Attack
Chapter 4 The Julius Caesar Plan: 27 October 1939
Part II: 1940: The Threat of Air Attack Preparatory to Invasion
Chapter 5 The German Offensive Against the Western Powers
Chapter 6 Defence Against a Large Scale Raid
Chapter 7 Defence Against Air Attack
Chapter 8 Defence Against Invasion
Chapter 9 The Control Organization
Chapter 10 The Battle of Britain
Part III: Home Defence Plans 1941-42
Chapter 11 Effect of the Battle of the Atlantic on Home Defence
Chapter 12 Defence Preparations for 1941
Chapter 13 The War Situation Transformed by the Battle of Russia
Chapter 14 Assumptions for the Home Forces Plan for the Spring of 1942
Chapter 15 Defence against Seaborne Attack
Chapter 16 Defence against Air Attack
Chapter 17 Defence against Airborne Attack
Chapter 18 The Estimated Requirement for Home Forces Considered Excessive
Chapter 19 Civil Defence Measures
Chapter 20 The German Plan for Invasion Fades Out
Part IV: 1942-45: The Threat of Raids and of Rocket Bombs
Chapter 21 The United Kingdom as a Base for the Counter-Offensive
Chapter 22 Defence Against Sea and Airborne Raids
Chapter 23 Defence Against Air Raids
Chapter 24 Defence Against the Flying and Rocket Bombs
I Air Staff Appreciation of the possible scale of Air Attack on Great Britain: April 1939.
II Appreciation by the Chiefs of Staff of the prospects of Invasion: 1937 and 1939.
III List of Defended Ports and Dockyards, and their Armament.
IV The Julius Caesar Plan: 27 October 1939.
V State of Home Forces: 31 May 1940.
VI Home Forces Operation Instructions Nos. 1 and 3: 5 and 15 June 1940.
VII Chiefs of Staff Review of the Prospects of Invasion after the fall of France.
VIII Air Staff Memorandum on Invasion 30 July 1940.
IX Re-distribution of the Anti-aircraft Defences: August 1940.
X Relative Vulnerability of the Coastal Sectors.
XI Admiralty Appreciation of Invasion: 29 May 1940.
XII Home Fleet Dispositions: June 1940.
XIII Operation J.F.: October 1940.
XIV VII Corps Operation Instruction No. 3: 3 August 1940.
XV The German plan for Invasion: Operation Sealion.
XVI Directive for the German 9th and 16th Armies.
XVII Time Table for Operation Sealion.
XVIII Air Raid Warning organization.
XIX States of Readiness for the three Defence Services.
XX Note on the “Invasion Imminent” signal on the evening of the 7th September 1940.
XXI Chiefs of Staff Review of the Dispositions to meet Invasion in 1941.
XXII Appreciation by C.-in-C. Home Forces for the Spring of 1942.
XXIII Admiralty Anti-Invasion Programme: Spring 1942.
XXIV Instructions for the Coast Defence Artillery.
XXV XII Corps Plan to Defeat Invasion: 26 March 1942.
XXVI Moves of Reserve Formations: South-Eastern Command, 19 January 1942.
XXVII South-Eastern Command Appreciation for the Spring of 1942.
XXVIII Air Defence Plan for the Spring of 1942.
XXIX Role, Organization and Disposition of the Royal Air Force to meet Invasion: 4 February 1942.
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