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Imperial Library
Title Page
Chapter IX. Fifth Century. West
97. Alypius of Thegaste. Ordo Monasterii
98. Augustine of Hippo
98-A. On the Lord’s Sermon on the Mount
98-B. Eighty-Three Diverse Questions
98-C. Against Faustus the Manichaean
98-D. Questions on the Gospels
98-E. Confessions
98-F. On Baptism: Against the Donatists
98-G. Rudimentary Catechesis
98-H. Against the Letters of Petilian the Donatist
98-I. On the Forgiveness and the Just Deserts of Sins, and the Baptism of Infants
98-J. Homily Three on the First Letter of John
98-K. On the Trinity
98-L. Homilies on the Gospel of John
98-M. Answer to Julian the Pelagian
98-N. Enchiridion of Faith, Hope, and Love
98-O. Exposition of the Psalms
98-P. On the Care to be Taken of the Dead
98-Q. The City of God
98-R. On Christian Doctrine
98-S. On Heresies
98-T. To the Catechumens regarding the Creed
98-U. Corrections
98-V. Rule of Saint Augustine
98-W. Letters. 22; 23; 29; 36; 41; 54; 55; 64; 71; 82; 98; 149; 153; 158; 185; 211; 228; 258; 265; 28 (To Novatus)
98-X. Sermons. 17; 49; 51; 56; 57; 58; 67; 94 A; 125; 132; 142 A; 159; 162 C; 172; 176; 198; 213; 214; 216; 218; 219; 220; 221; 223; 224; 227; 228; 230; 231; 232; 243; 252; 254; 255; 256; 260 A; 262; 272; 284; 293 A; 294; 301 A; 302; 303; 304; 305 A; 311; 315; 324; 325; 326; 336; 342; 352; 374, 392
99. Possidius
99-A. Life of Augustine
100. Arnobius “the Younger”
100-A. Commentaries on the Psalms. Psalms 110; 148
101. Victor of Vita
101-A. History of the Vandal Persecution in Africa
102. Synods
102-A. Synod of Carthage V (401)
102-B. Synod of Carthage VI (407)
102-C. Synod of Milevis (416)
103. Inscription. Epitaph from Hippo
104. Chromatius of Aquileia
104-A. Sermons on Matthew’s Gospel. 14; 16; 17
105. Rufinus of Aquileia
105-A. Commentary on the Apostles’ Creed
106. Paulinus of Milan
106-A. Life of Saint Ambrose
107. Gaudentius of Brescia
107-A. Sermons
107-A-1. Sermon 2. On Exodus
108. Innocent I, Pope
108-A. Letters. 2; 6; 17; 25; 30
109. Zosimus, Pope
109-A. Letter 9
110. Paulinus of Nola
110-A. Letters. 18; 32
110-B. Poems. 23; 25; 27
111. Celestine I, Pope
111-A. Letters. 4; 21; 23
112. Peter Chrysologus
112-A. Sermons. 11; 43; 67; 117; 166
113. Leo I, Pope
113-A. Letters. 4; 6; 9; 10; 16; 59; 80; 88; 108; 119; 127; 131; 138; 159; 166; 167; 168
113-B. Sermons. 6; 12; 13; 16; 18; 19; 20; 22; 25; 26; 27; 41; 43; 44; 47; 48; 49; 50; 63; 64; 70; 75; 78; 91
114. Maximus of Turin
114-A. Sermons. 13; 13a; 22a; 35; 36; 44; 50; 54; 55; 63; 67; 73
115. Gelasius, Pope
115-A. Letters. 14; 37; Fragment 7; Letter against the Lupercalia
115-B. Tract on the Two Natures in Christ
115-C. The “Deprecatio Gelasii”
115-D. Tract “Ne Forte” on the Bond of the Anathema
116. Synods
116-A. Synod of Rome (ca. 400?)
116-B. Synod of Rome (488)
117. Inscription. Lateran Baptistery
118. John Cassian
118-A. Conferences
118-B. The Institutes
119. De septem ordinibus ecclesiae
120. Prosper of Aquitaine
120-A. Capitula Caelestini
120-B. The Call of All Nations
121. Salvian of Marseilles
121-A. De gubernatione Dei
122. Sidonius Apollinaris
122-A. Letters. Book IV, Letter 11; Book V, Letter 17
123. Faustus of Riez
123-A. On the Grace of God
123-B. On the Holy Spirit
123-C. Sermons. 3; 17; 28
124. Gennadius of Marseilles
124-A. On Ecclesiastical Dogmas
124-B. On Illustrious Men
125. Statuta ecclesiae antiqua
126. Synods
126-A. Synod of Riez (439)
126-B. Synod of Orange I (441)
126-C. Synod of Vaison (442)
126-D. Synod of Arles II (between 442 and 506)
126-E. Synod of Angers (453)
126-F. Synod of Tours I (461)
126-G. Synod of Vannes (between 461 and 491)
127. Uranius
127-A. Letter. On the Death of Paulinus of Nola
128. Synods
128-A. Synod of Toledo I (400?)
British Isles
129. Synods
129-A. Irish Synod I (between 450 and 456)
129-B. Irish Synod II (after 456)
130. Nicetas of Remesiana
130-A. On the Vigils of the Servants of God
130-B. On the Usefulness of Psalmody
Chapter X. Fifth Century. East
Asia Minor
131. Palladius of Helenopolis
131-A. The Lausiac History of the Friends of God
131-B. Dialogue on the Life of Saint John Chrysostom
132. Philostorgius
132-A. Epitome of the Church History of Philostorgius
133. Socrates
133-A. Church History
134. Theodosius II
134-A. Theodosian Code
135. Pseudo-Hippolytus. Homily. On the Pasch
136. Callicinius. Life of Hypatius
137. Council of Chalcedon (451)
138. Theodore of Mopsuestia
138-A. Catechetical Homilies. 12; 13; 14; 15; 16
139. Theodoret of Cyr
139-A. On the Interpretation of the Psalms
139-B. On the Interpretation of the Song of Songs
139-C. Interpretation of the Fourteen Letters of Saint Paul
139-D. Religious History
139-E. Church History
139-F. Eranistes or Polymorph
139-G. History of Heresies
139-H. Letter 146. To the Monks of Constantinople
140. Balai
140-A. Hymn for the Dedication of a New Church
141. Narsai of Nisibis
141-A. Homilies. 17; 22; 21
142. Testament of Our Lord Jesus Christ
143. Mārūtā of Maipherqat
143-A. The Seventy-Three Canons
144. Sozomen
144-A. Church History
145. Jerome
145-A. Dialogue between a Luciferian and an Orthodox Christian
145-B. Life of Hilary
145-C. Commentary on the Epistle to the Galatians
145-D. Commentary on the Gospel of Matthew
145-E. Preface to the Rule of Pachomius
145-F. Against Vigilantius
145-G. Dialogue against the Pelagians
145-H. Homilies
145-H-1. On Psalm 91 (92)
145-H-2. On Psalm 149
145-H-3. On Mark 11:15–17
145-H-4. On Mark 13:32–33; 14:3–6
145-H-5. On the Nativity of the Lord
145-H-6. On Psalm 41 (42). To the Neophytes
145-H-7. On Easter Sunday
145-I. Letters. 14; 22; 41; 46; 48; 51; 52; 60; 71; 77; 82; 98; 107; 108; 109; 113; 120; 130; 146
146. Mark the Deacon
146-A. Life of Porphyry, Bishop of Gaza
147. Apophthegmata Patrum
148. Cyril of Alexandria
148-A. Dialogue on the Trinity
148-B. Adoration and Worship of God in Spirit and in Truth
148-C. Glaphyra
148-D. Commentary on the Gospel of John
148-E. Apology to the Emperor
148-F. Letter 9. To Posidonius
149. Isidore of Pelusium
149-A. Letters
Index to Volume Three
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