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Oil, Water, Climate, and Population: An Interactive System of Immense Complexity
Coupled Unsustainable Use Of Energy and Water Resources
Role of Population and Economic Development in Oil and Water Use
Effects of Energy Demand and Use on Global Warming
Climate Change Can Exacerbate Water Scarcity
Oil and Water Resource Issues Share Many Features
Exhaustion of Easily Accessible Resources
Realization of Finiteness of Resources and New Strategies
Value of Efficiency Improvement
Oil and Water Security Concerns
Poor Management of Oil and Water Resources
Aging Infrastructure and Magnitude of the Needed Investments
Urgency and Window of Opportunity
Major Differences in Oil and Water Resource Issues
Strong Leadership Needed
Carbon Dioxide Emissions, Global Warming, and Water Resources
Carbon Dioxide Emissions
Increasing Carbon Dioxide Concentration in the Atmosphere due to Human Activities
Earth’s CO 2 Concentration and Temperature
Understanding the Present by Looking at the Past
Relationship between Past CO 2 Concentration and Temperature
Earth Temperature Observations: Global Warming
Temperature: Observations and Proxy Data
Understanding Earth’s Temperature Maintenance and Change
Earth Radiation Budget and Temperature
Increased Greenhouse Effect
Earth’s Climate
Role of the Ocean on Climate
Deep Ocean Circulation and Climate
Main Climate Effects of Global Warming
Snow, Ice Extent, Oceanic Heat Content, and Sea Level
Impact on Water Cycle, Precipitation, El Niño, and Winds
Future Carbon Dioxide Emissions
Future Climate: Climate Models
Predicted Impacts on Water Resources
Population, Environmental Impacts, and Climate Change
Current Population Projections and Characteristics of Future Population
Factors Influencing Population Predictions
Tools for Analyzing Demographic Change
Demographic Transition Model
Population Pyramid
Uncertainty of Demographic Projections
Geographic and Age Distribution of Population
Population Concentration in Urban Areas
Population Concentration in Coastal Regions
An Aging Population
Development, Global Energy Use, and Demography
Population, Water, and Climate Change
Population Growth, Resources Use, and Vulnerability to Climate Change
Per Capita Emissions Trends
Other Human Impacts on the Global Carbon Balance and Greenhouse Gases
Integrating Population Considerations into Climate Change Solutions
Population and Emissions Limitation Agreements
“Climate Refugees”
Carbon Cycle and the Human Impact
Carbon and the Carbon Cycle
Carbon Exchanges Affecting Atmospheric CO 2 Concentration
Exchange between Rocks and the Atmosphere
Biotic Fluxes: Photosynthesis and Respiration
Phytoplankton Photosynthesis
Net Carbon Uptake: Carbon Sinks
Land as a Carbon Sink
The Ocean as a Carbon Sink
Partitioning Carbon Sinks between Land and Ocean
Examples of Natural and Anthropogenic Impacts on the Carbon Cycle
Land-Use Change: Deforestation and Agricultural Practices
CO 2 Fertilization and Nutrient Deposition
Fossil Fuel Burning and the Carbon Cycle
Coupling Between the Carbon Cycle and Climate: Carbon-Climate Feedback
Peak Oil, Energy, Water, and Climate
The Concept of Peak Oil
Conventional and Unconventional Oil
Why Production and Reserve Estimates Differ
Estimating Peak Oil
Oil Production, Distribution, and Use
Energy Consumption Needed for Oil Production
Water Used in Oil Production
Oil Production and Greenhouse Gas Emissions
Oil Transport and Water Pollution
Potential Consequences of Peak Oil
Peak Oil and Energy Policy Choices
Peak Oil and Market Economies
Peak Oil and Climate
Oil Consumption and CO 2 Emissions from Transportation
Present and Future Global Oil Consumption
Oil Consumption by the Transportation Sector
CO 2 Emissions by the Transportation Sector
Gasoline Consumption Standards
Crude Oil and Gasoline Prices
Private Car Ownership Trends
Distillates and Oil Use by Other Transportation Vehicles
Reducing CO 2 Emissions from Transportation
Government Regulatory Actions
Raising Fuel Economy Standards
Establishing Environmental Regulations
Increasing Fuel Taxes
Establishing Tradable Fuel Economy Credits
Offering Technology Incentives
Reducing Traffic Congestion and Average Annual Mileage Driven
Developing Rapid and Carbon-Light Mass Transit Systems
The Case of Air Transportation
Marine Transportation
CO 2 Impacts and Related Emissions Costs
The Role of the Public: Influence of Personal Behavior
Oil, Economy, Power, and Conflicts
Oil Consumption, Economics, and Politics
The Geopolitics of Oil
Oil Prices and Financial Markets
Petroleum-Rich Economies
Oil Security
China’s Geopolitical Outlook Regarding Oil
Impact of Climate on Oil Production and Price
Energy Alternatives and Their Connection to Water and Climate
Natural Gas
Nuclear Energy
Wind Energy
Solar Energy
Hydrogen Cells
Hydroelectric Power
Biomass: Ethanol
Geothermal Energy
The Water Cycle and Global Warming
Water Cycle and the Water Budget
Elements of the Water Cycle
Evaporation, Condensation, and Precipitation
Land Surface Hydrology
Snow and Ice
Water Cycle and Climate
Water Vapor Greenhouse Effect
Clouds and Climate
Precipitation and Climate
Evapotranspiration and Climate
Snow/Ice and Climate
Weathering Effect of Water and Climate
Predicted Changes in the Water Cycle
Predictive Abilities of Climate Models
Changes in Water Vapor and Clouds
Changes in the Land Water Budget
Other Effects of Human Activities on the Water Cycle
Fresh Water Availability, Sanitation Deficit, and Water Usage: Connection to Energy and Global Warming
Global Distribution of Fresh Water Availability
Sanitation Deficit
The Water-Sanitation Gap
Lack of Sanitation: Poverty Link
The Future of Sanitation
Cities and Water
Water Usage: Global Inequality and Irrigation Needs
Global Inequality
Irrigation Needs
Future of Irrigation: Where Will the Water Come From?
Ecosystem Needs
Blue and Green Water
Overview and Definition
Water Returning to the Atmosphere, Green Water Needs, and Blue Water Waste
Energy and Water Connection
Energy Needs for Irrigation and Crops Water Delivery
Energy for Water Supply, Sanitation, and Wastewater Treatment
Water for Energy Generation
Water Availability and Global Warming
Overall Trends
Managing Water in a Changing Climate
Water Needs of Alternative Energy Sources
Rivers, Lakes, Aquifers, and Dams: Relation to Energy and Climate
Surface Water
Rivers and Streams
Fresh Water Ecosystem
Ecosystem Functions
Human Pressures on Ecosystems
Major Functions of Dams
Environmental Effects of Dams
Dam Silting
Dams and Greenhouse Gas Emissions
Social Impacts
Potential Effects of Global Warming on Dams, Rivers, and Lakes
Water Contamination, Energy, and Climate
Water Pollution and Water Quality
Water Contaminants
Sources of Water Contamination
Fertilizer Contamination
Irrigation-Induced Salinization and Waterlogging
Livestock Pollution
Accumulation of Agriculture Contaminants in Enclosed Basins
Industrial Contamination
Domestic Household Contamination
Deposition from the Atmosphere
Groundwater Contamination
Infiltration Contamination
Saltwater Intrusion
Urban Water Contamination and Water Cycle Modification
Water Resources Management and Waste Treatment
Water Resources Management
Wastewater Treatment
Effects of Water Pollution on Health
Changes in Precipitation Patterns and Water Contamination
Geopolitics of Water and the International Situation
Water Rights and Water Regimes
Definition of Water Rights
Water Rights and Security
Water Regimes
Transboundary Waters
Hydrological Interdependence
Transboundary Water Governance Challenges
International Water Rights
Water Allocation
International Water Laws
Delimitation of International Boundaries
Roots and Types of Water Conflicts
Potential for Cooperation around Water Resources
Water and Poverty
Two-Way Relationship
Public Finance, Access, and Price
Conditions for Empowerment
Women and Water
Development and Environmental Protection: Water in the Middle
UN Millennium Development Goals, Millennium Project and Water, and Others
The World Bank and Water
Nongovernmental Organizations
World Water Forum
Opposition to Large-Scale Water Initiatives
Opposition to Huge Dams
Privatization of Water and Water Systems
Water Value, Price, and Cost
Integrated Water Resource Management
Water Security and Water as a Human Right
Water Security
Water as a Human Right
Water Rights and Climate Change
Water Alternatives
Water Saving
Water Conservation and Efficiency
Water Distribution Infrastructure Maintenance, Repair, and Replacement
Water Productivity Increase: “More Crop per Drop”
Raising Irrigation Water Efficiency and Productivity
Rainwater Harvesting
Water Diversions and Transfer Among Basins
Technological Solutions
Water Trading and the Concept of Virtual Water
Water Trading
Virtual Water
Land-Use Change for Increased Rainfed Agriculture
Desalination Process and Technology
Desalinated Water Production
Energy Needs of Desalination
Cost of Desalinated Water
Environmental Impacts and Health Risks
Global Climate Change: Observations, Modeling, and Predictions
Present Observational Evidence of Climate Change
Global Temperature Changes
Changes in Temperature Extremes
Stratospheric Cooling
Polar Amplification of Anthropogenic Warming
Changes in Hurricanes and Oceans
Storage of Heat in the Oceans
Ocean Salinity and Density in a Warmer Climate
Changes in Sea Level
Forcings, Radiative Forcing, and Climate Sensitivity
Radiative Forcing
Climate Sensitivity
Future Climate Change
Predicted Changes under Various Scenarios
Natural Variability and Anthropogenic Effects
Climate Oscillations
Climate Inertia and Abrupt Climate Change
Climate Inertia
Abrupt Climate Change
Energy and Water Challenges and Solutions in a Changing Climate Framework: Commonality, Differences, and Connections
Time Frame for Action
The Scope of the Challenge
Energy and Climate
Electricity Production
Clean Coal
Natural Gas
Solar and Wind Power
Nuclear Power
Improved Water Management
Resource and Demand Management
Addressing Urbanization Issues
Water Treatment and Reuse
Development of Indicators of Global Water Trends
Common Characteristics of Solutions
Efficiency and Conservation
Energy Savings in the Building Sector
Transport Sector Energy Savings
Irrigation Water Savings
Urban Water Savings
Adaptation to Change
Technology Breakthroughs and Research and Development (R&D) Programs
Addressing Externalities
Assigning a Cost to Emitting CO 2
Assigning a Cost to Water
Respect for the Environment
Reasonable Use of Resources
Environmental Ethics
Addressing Needs of Future Generations
Intergenerational Equity
Climate Discounting Across Generation versus the Precautionary Principle
Empowerment and Education in Support of Poverty Eradication
Education and Adaptability to Change
The Security Issue
Conflict versus Cooperation
Massive Infrastructure and Research & Development Investments Needed
Leadership and Behavior Changes
Final Thoughts
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