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Imperial Library
Title Page
The Making of Britain
An Island Nation? Britain’s continental connection
Going to Extremes A land of contrasts
Meet the Ancestors Britain’s first immigrants
United by Geography, Divided by History? England, Scotland, Wales, Ireland
The Tongue That Straddles the Globe The pre-eminence of the English language
Hundreds of Years of Hurt Britain’s beautiful game: football
Extraordinary Places
A Hitler Among the Scousers Liverpool attracts all sorts
Want to Relocate Your Old Capital City? Just call Boadicea
My Horse for Your Daughter? Fair trading at Appleby’s horse fair
The Second City of the Empire Glasgow’s green spaces and curry houses
Ancient Essex Man a Devout Breed The oldest churches in Britain
Fractious French Exchange Programme Prompts Foundation of Britain’s Oldest University Oxford’s dreaming spires
The Scottish Missionary Position Cross-roads of early British Christianity
Linenopolis to Metropolis Belfast’s Titanic shipbuilding feats
‘The Very Ramparts of Heaven’ Ancient Lincoln in need of repair
Wales’s Hidden Treasure-Trove Local boys done good, too
Water Way To Have A Good Time Boating at altitude
Pulling Out The Stops Alfred the Great’s old organ
Dodgy Handshakes and Umpteen Takes Rosslyn hits the limelight
Shells of the Non-Collectible Variety Scarborough takes a pounding from the sea
Sixty Warriors to the Square Inch Scones for afters?
Morning Campers! The bracing charms of Skeggy
Cambria Ne’er Can Yield! Sieges of Harlech
One-Way Ticket to The Eternal Underground Woking: gateway to the Gods
Oldest and Oldest Berrow’s Worcester Journal
The Venice of the West (Midlands) The birthplace of British industry
Tearing Down the Walls Derry’s identity crisis – all in the name of religion
The Heart of the British Film Industry Ealing in black-and-white
The Underground Church Resting place for a poet and a heroine
Kings, Queens and Princes
Murderer Assassinated by Shakespeare The Princes in the Tower
Chariots of Ire The revolting Boadicea
Medieval Myth or Real Romano-British Resistance Fighter? King Arthur’s Round Table
Wessex Warrior The life and times of Alfred the Great
The Importance of Being ‘Unraed’ Aethelred and Canute in need of better advisers
Prince of Wales Bowled Out Wayward Hanoverian son checks out in style
The Bard Comes Down Hard on the Thane of Glamis Shakespeare’s shortest tragedy: the Scottish Play
Robert the Bruce Bides his Time Destiny of Scotland not set in stone The Guardian of Scotland William Wallace — ‘Braveheart’
The Tragic Catholic Cousin of the Virgin Queen Mary, Queen of Scots
Placid Cymru? Welsh princes: a quarrelsome lot
William Conquers his Coronation Day Nerves Beating the Christmas rush at Westminster Abbey
From Playboy Prince to Contemptible King George IV: double-chinned son of a lunatic
Eminent Surgeons Save the Day with Acid, Scalpels and Cigars World’s first appendectomy a success for new king
Two Divorces, One Abdication and a Trip to See Hitler The Scandals of Edward and Mrs Simpson
‘Who Will Rid Me of this Turbulent Priest?’ Henry II bashes a bishop in the name of the law
Summary Execution, Cambridge University and Bloody Civil War What did England’s worst kings do for us?
Oliver Who? The Welsh ‘unknown’ who won the Battle of Naseby
A Grave End for Pocahontas Native American princess unimpressed by Britain
British Food and Drink
Protein, Carbohydrate, Salt and Fat Fish and Chips: Britain’s culinary gift to the world
You Are What You Eat Dieting to death: a Stark choice
You’ve Never Had It So Good Medieval peasant food
The Best Thing Since Sliced Flour and Water The story of British bread
Nice Cold Ice Cold Milk Good for infants, depressed students and disease transmission
‘Wine Is But Single Broth; Ale Is Meat, Drink and Cloth’ The British love of good beer
The Water of Life Whisky: the Celtic tipple of choice
Forget Toothpaste: Clean Your Teeth With Sugar In defence of the sweet stuff
Mashed-up Organs Boiled in Guts, Anyone? A natural history of the haggis
Prostitutes Allegedly the Most Beautiful Women in Britain In other news, potatoes cause leprosy
Gathered by Virgins The British love affair with tea
Seeking a Healthy Balanced Diet? Go to War Lake District ordeal for Nobel prize-winner
Marmite for the Masses! The National Birthday Trust Fund
Disease and Death in the Pot and Bottle Detecting fraudulent and deleterious adulterations
Champagne: Made in Britain! But called ‘fizzy wine’ for copyright reasons
Mother Nature’s Bountiful Harvest The ripe realities of early recycling
Keeping Up With The Cromwells Mrs C: a fine cook and a better haggler
Britannia Rules the Waves Thanks to Pickled Cabbage Scurvy and the French Navy defeated by British grocers
British Government: Politics, Money and the Law
Tories and Whigs Bandits and covenanters
Speak Up Mr Speaker! The historical reluctance to answer back
The King’s Jews William the Conqueror’s heritage and the Jewish community in Britain
The Poll Tax Ignore history at your peril
Father of English Literature Swaps Quill For Shears Chaucer’s woolly stock-in-trade
Morton’s Fork The crafty cardinal and the lost monasteries
Stamping Out the Smugglers British efforts to prevent trade in untaxable contraband
Pitt’s Pictures and Daylight Robbery A window into revenue-generation
William Pitt Strikes Again Income tax: just a temporary arrangement, right?
Swamps and Midges Spread Diseases Scotland declared bankrupt chasing an American dream
The South Sea Bubble Bursts Prototype financial crisis caused by investments no-one understood
That’s Got to Hurt Punishments of the Infamous, Pecuniary and Corporal varieties
Anything But Prison Incarceration or the army
The Bloody Code The unexpected risks to impersonating a pensioner
Extraordinary Britons
The Great Outlaw The many faces of Robin Hood
Will the Schoolmaster? Shakespeare’s lost years
‘A Certain Flush With Every Pull’ Inventing the lavatory
Curiosity Killed the Cat Francis Bacon felled by frozen chicken
Brain of Britain The genius of Isaac Newton
Doctor Pox Edward Jenner’s gamble
All Steamed Up Who really invented the steam engine?
Half Nelsons Horatio the family man
‘Such a Damned Fool’ The Iron Duke’s affairs
Chip Off the Old Block Brunel’s less famous father
The Reluctant Clergyman Charles Darwin’s early years
Immortalized in Print Dickens’s dysfunctional family
The Lady with the Calculator Florence Nightingale’s gift for maths
The First Stamp Rowland Hill’s revolutionary idea
Unforeseen Consequences Alexander Graham Bell’s aid for the deaf
A Formidable Sisterhood The first lady doctor
No Lighthouse on Treasure Island Robert Louis Stevenson’s family trade
Scouting for Boys and Girls Baden-Powell mobilizes the young
From Cavalry Charge to the Nuclear Deterrent Churchill’s epic career
Chapman of Tremadog? aka Lawrence of Arabia
On Her Majesty’s Secret Service Britain’s famous spies
Local Heroes Honoured at the pub
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