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Imperial Library
By the Town Statue, Outside the Public Library
The Woodwork Teacher’s Tale i
The Woodwork Teacher’s Tale ii
In the Porch of Ebenezer Chapel
The Halfwit’s Tale and the Deputy Bank Manager’s Tale i
The Halfwit’s Tale and the Deputy Bank Manager’s Tale ii
The Halfwit’s Tale and the Deputy Bank Manager’s Tale iii
By the Old Sheds at the End of Maerdy Street
The Baker’s Tale i
The Baker’s Tale ii
The Baker’s Tale iii
In the Porch of Ebenezer Chapel
The Deputy Librarian’s Tale and the Undertaker’s Tale i
The Deputy Librarian’s Tale and the Undertaker’s Tale ii
The Deputy Librarian’s Tale and the Undertaker’s Tale iii
The Deputy Librarian’s Tale and the Undertaker’s Tale iv
In the Park, on the Bench Dedicated to Miss Gwynneth Watkins
The Piano Tuner’s Tale i
The Piano Tuner’s Tale ii
The Piano Tuner’s Tale iii
On the Old Footbridge over the Taff
The Window Cleaner’s Tale i
The Window Cleaner’s Tale ii
The Window Cleaner’s Tale iii
In the Park, on the Bench Dedicated to Miss Gwynneth Watkins
The Clerk’s Tale i
The Clerk’s Tale ii
The Clerk’s Tale iii
In the Porch of Ebenezer Chapel
The Gas Meter Emptier’s Tale i
The Gas Meter Emptier’s Tale ii
The Gas Meter Emptier’s Tale iii
By the Cemetery on the Hill they Call Black Mountain
The Collier’s Tale i
The Collier’s Tale ii
The Collier’s Tale iii
At Ebenezer Chapel
At the Top of the Last Hill
The Kindly Light Generations
Other Dramatis Personae
Author’s Note
A Note on the Author
By the Same Author
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