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Imperial Library
Picture yourself on a boat on an ocean …
Smooth sailing for Arno
David is to ocean like wet is to blanket
This is exactly what happens when I can’t see my friends
I’m too nervous to actually digest Ocean Term fare
Mickey digs a girl who loves to laugh
Arno doesn’t care if the ocean is amazing
If only all this beauty could make me miss Flan less
Patch’s world is always warm
You can’t keep a Pardo down
Meanwhile, on the other side of the pond …
Is Arno going soft?
Patch makes teacher’s pet look like a dream job
Maybe Arno isn’t on top …
Mickey and the girls get a taste of the good life
Patch makes like a hero, again
As usual, I’m fashionably late
Patch could use a little saving, too
Arno tries to be bigger than that
I like to maintain a certain level of lifestyle no matter what
There’s always a party at Patch’s
My nightmare has just begun
The fastest way to make Jonathan freak out is…
My head hurts really, really bad
Patch wakes up with Greta
The old keep-an-eye-on-her-for-me
Trouble follows me around
Arno prefers to be in the lead
I get through to New York, in the worst possible way
Mickey’s a survivor
I love a classy hotel
Arno versus Nature
I am reminded of some of Suki’s less attractive qualities
Is Patch the new Jonathan?
Suki and I simply cannot keep out of trouble
I waste time and money
Arno does it for himself
Barcelona ♥ Mickey
Nobody in Barcelona recognizes Arno
Suki reminds me of our many differences
Arno at the edge
Patch is the last man standing
Mickey in Bohemia
David tries out a little passive aggression
The Savage won’t leave me alone
If Patch checked his e-mail, this is what he would find …
Patch experiences one of those awkward moments people keep telling him about
A heart-wrenching beachside reunion
Yeah, I slept on a beach once
A daring escape
I get all nostalgic for something I never had
Mickey and Arno do some healing
Arno never responds to e-mail he doesn’t understand
The dirt on Barker
I am that close to home
I get a little peek into my new stepbrother’s life
Psychoanalysis for breakfast
Patch says good-bye to all that
I may actually board an airplane
The guys are reunited in style
I fly with the people
A few last moments suspended in air
Everything moves roughly in the direction of normal
Arno goes after what he likes
Now that I’m in Flan’s house, I’m further away from her than ever
But I don’t go to Flan’s room, not straightaway
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