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Imperial Library
Cover Page
Title Page
Copyright Page
The Contributors
1: Death and Philosophy Introduction
2: My Death Reflections on My Journey into Non-being
3: Against Death the Case of Elias Canetti
“Death is an Insult”—But How to Describe That?
Canetti’s Critique of the Attempt by Religion to Give Meaning to Death
The Quixotic Factor
4: On The Purported Insignificance of Death Whistling Before the Dark?
The Dialectics Of Dying
Experientialism and Death
Putting an End to the Whistling: Rejecting Experientialism
Premortem Concerns about Posthumous Events
Posthumous Concerns Versus Negative Attitudes toward Death
Two Kinds of Neutrality: Zero-sum Games and Radical Incommensurability
Deprivation: a Janus-headed Misfortune
Corpses are not Persons
An Experiential Account of Painless Calamities
Dying Versus Being Dead
Events and Conditions
Destruction is Not Change
In Conclusion, Inconclusion
5: Death and the Skeleton
Aestheticizing the Skeleton
Death Versus the Aesthetics of the Life Story
Temporality and Ethical Thought
6: Death, the Bald Scenario
The Questions
The Fictions that Shape Us
How theDemocratic Myth Killed the Afterlife
Two Cheers For Democracy
My Modest Proposal
7: Death as Transformation In Classical Daoism
The Unreality of Death
The Correlativity of Life and Death
The Unremarkability of Death
Death As Life
The Language of Death
Death In the Daodejing
Death In the Zhuangzi
8: Death and Enlightenment the Therapeutic Psychology of theTibetan Book of theDead
9: Death and Detachment Montaigne, Zen, Heidegger and the Rest
A Matter of Life-and-death
The Death In-breath
Death In Life
Departing Life
Learning Dying
Back To the Moment
10: Death and Metaphysics Heidegger On Nothingness and the Meaning of Being
Authenticity and Inauthenticity
Anxiety—Nothingness and Death
What is Nothingness?—Nothingness and Being
Nothingness and Da-sein
Nothingness and Autonomy
Being and Nothingness
11: Death and Authenticity
12: Death and the Unity of A Life
13: the Antinomy of Death
14: Death Fetishism, Morbid Solipsism
Thinking Death In theFace
The Denial of Death: A Brief History
From the Denial of Death To Death Fetishism
The Grim Reaper Has No Clothes: ‘Death is Nothing’
The Reaper Redux: Death As Paradox
Fearing Death: What’s To Be Afraid Of?
The Social Dimension of Death
1: Death and Philosophy: Introduction
2: My Death
3: Against Death
4: On thePurported Insignificance of Death
5: Death and the Skeleton
6: Death: the Bald Scenario
7: Death as Transformation In Classical Daoism
8: Death and Enlightenment
9: Death and Detachment
10: Death and Metaphysics
11: Death and Authenticity
12: Death and the Unity of a Life
13: the Antinomy of Death
14: Death Fetishism, Morbid Solipsism
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