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About This E-Book
Title Page
Copyright Page
Contents at a Glance
About the Author
1. The Importance of Driving Your Own Development
Frequently Asked Questions About Self-Directed Development
How This Book Is Organized
Assess Yourself
Before You Begin
Definitions of Behaviors
2. Competency: Demonstrates Thinking and Judgment
Overview of Competency
Behavior 1: Is a Problem Solver
Behavior 2: Embraces and Applies Creativity
Behavior 3: Makes Objective Decisions
Behavior 4: Finds, Creates, and Leverages Data
Behavior 5: Takes Calculated Risks
3. Competency: Engages and Develops People
Overview of Competency
Behavior 1: Builds Trusted Relationships
Behavior 2: Influences Others
Behavior 3: Promotes Teamwork
4. Competency: Delivers Results
Overview of Competency
Behavior 1: Demonstrates Business Acumen
Behavior 2: Champions Customer Focus
Behavior 3: Plans and Organizes
Behavior 4: Sets and Drives Priorities
Behavior 5: Overcomes Obstacles
Behavior 6: Demonstrates Technological Savvy
5. Competency: Communicates Effectively
Overview of Competency
Behavior 1: Writes Effectively
Behavior 2: Tailors Interpersonal Approach
Behavior 3: Shares Information
Behavior 4: Develops and Delivers Compelling Presentations
Behavior 5: Collaborates Across Boundaries
Behavior 6: Adopts a Cross-Cultural Mindset
6. Competency: Demonstrates Personal Excellence
Overview of Competency
Behavior 1: Demonstrates Integrity
Behavior 2: Relishes Accountability
Behavior 3: Exhibits Intellectual Curiosity
Behavior 4: Develops Self
7. Development Library for Leaders
Behavior 1: Challenges Norms Appropriately
Behavior 2: Manages Courageously
Behavior 3: Navigates Ambiguity
Behavior 4: Creates a Culture of Innovation
Behavior 5: Motivates Others
Behavior 6: Selects Talent
Behavior 7: Develops Others
8. Commit to a Plan of Action
Individual Development Plan Example
Best Practices for Development Planning
9. For HR Leaders Only: Tips for Implementing Self-Directed Employee Development
Identify the Need for Change
Identify Key Stakeholders
Gain Agreement on the Objective
Confirm Scope and Goals
Get Approval to Move Forward
Develop or Identify Tools and Technology
Identify Pilot Participants
Develop Communications and Training Materials
Implement the Pilot
Track Adoption and Results
Expand More Broadly
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