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Related Titles
Preface Gordon McMullan, Lena Cowen Orlin and Virginia Mason Vaughan
Part One: Text
1 Edward III: Women and the Making of Shakespeare as Historical Dramatist Jean E. Howard
2 Beguiling Fictions Dympna Callaghan
3 ‘Bride-habited, but maiden-hearted’: Language and Gender in The Two Noble Kinsmen Hannah Crawforth
4 Gender, the False Universal and Shakespeare’s Comedies Hilda L. Smith
5 In Plain Sight: Visible Women and Early Modern Plays David Scott Kastan
6 Remaking the Texts: Women Editors of Shakespeare, Past and Present Valerie Wayne
7 ‘To be acknowledged, madam, is o’erpaid’: Woman’s Role in the Production of Scholarly Editions of Shakespeare Neil Taylor
8 Some Women Editors of Shakespeare: A Preliminary Sketch H. R. Woudhuysen
9 Bernice Kliman’s Enfolded Hamlet John Lavagnino
10 Women Making Shakespeare – and Middleton and Jonson Suzanne Gossett
Part Two: Reception
11 Juliet and the Vicissitudes of Gender Catherine Belsey
12 Women Painting Shakespeare: Angelica Kauffman’s Text-images Keir Elam
13 Women Reading Witches, 1800–1850 Lucy Munro
14 Joanna Baillie: The Female Shakespeare Fiona Ritchie
15 The Girlhood of Mary Cowden Clarke Kate Chedgzoy
16 ‘A Sacred Trust’: Helen Faucit, Geraldine Jewsbury, and the Idealized Shakespeare Lois Potter
17 Invisible Women: Mary Dunbar and The Shakespeare Birthday Book Anne Isherwood
18 ‘A marvelous convenient place’: Women Reading Shakespeare in Montana, 1890–1918 Gretchen E. Minton
19 Remembering Charlotte Stopes Kathleen E. McLuskie
20 ‘Or was it Sh—p—re?’: Shakespeare in the manuscript of Virginia Woolf’s To the Lighthouse Reiko Oya
Part Three: Performance
21 The Vere Street Desdemona: Othello and the Theatrical Englishwoman, 1602–1660 Clare McManus
22 Lady Forbes-Robertson’s War Work: Gertrude Elliott and the Shakespeare Hut Performances, 1916–1919 Ailsa Grant Ferguson
23 Editing Olivier’s Hamlet: An Interview with Helga Keller Gordon McMullan
24 Trusting the Words: Patsy Rodenburg, Laurence Olivier and the Women of Richard III Trudi Darby
25 Peggy of Anjou Russ McDonald
26 Women Playing Hamlet on the Spanish Stage José Manuel González
27 Re-making Katherina: Julia Marlowe and The Taming of the Shrew Elizabeth Schafer
28 Class, Identity, and Comic Choice: Bill Alexander’s The Taming of the Shrew Iska Alter
29 Re-creating Katherina: The Taming of the Shrew at Shakespeare’s Globe Farah Karim-Cooper
30 Ms-Directing Shakespeare at the Globe to Globe Festival, 2012 Sonia Massai
31 Sexing up Goneril: Feminism and Fetishization in Contemporary King Lear Performance Kevin A. Quarmby
32 Not Sycorax Judith Buchanan
33 ‘Miranda, where’s your mother?’: Female Prosperos and What They Tell Us Virginia Mason Vaughan
34 Joseph Cornell: A poem by John Thompson for Ann Thompson
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