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Learn Arduino Prototyping in 10 days
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Boot Camp
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Things you will learn in this book
The Arduino Platform
Introduction to the Arduino platform
Overview of Arduino prototyping
Setting up the Arduino board
Arduino program structure and execution
Understanding the first Arduino sketch
Compiling, loading and running a sketch
Commonly used in-built C sketch functions
Digital input and output
Analog input and output
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Things to remember
Day 1 - Building a Simple Prototype
The three LED project
Rationale for using a resistor
The Piezo Buzzer project
Using transistors
Using diodes
LED with a push button
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Things to remember
Day 2 - Interfacing with Sensors
Types of sensor components
Basic sensor components
Using a basic sensor - photodiode
Using a basic sensor - photo resistor (LDR)
Using integrated sensor modules
Using a temperature sensor module (with an Arduino library)
Understanding sensor module datasheets
Installing the sensor-specific Arduino library
Sensor interfacing sketch
Viewing the program output
Using a soil moisture sensor module (without an Arduino library)
Soil moisture sensor circuit
Soil moisture sensor sketch
Future inspiration
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Things to remember
Day 3 - Building a Compound Device
Compound devices
Building a smoke detector
Smoke detector - Digital I/O method
Smoke detector sketch - Digital I/O method
Smoke detector (analog I/O method)
Smoke detector sketch (analog I/O method)
Local storage with SD card modules
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Things to remember
Day 4 - Building a Standalone Device
Standalone devices
External power supply options
Determining power source capacity
Building a distance measurement device
Distance measurement device circuit
Distance measurement device sketch
Operating the distance measurement device
Finishing touches
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Things to remember
Day 5 - Using Actuators
About actuators
Special considerations while using DC motors
A basic DC motor prototype
Basic DC motor sketch
DC motor speed control - PWM method
DC motor speed control sketch
Using Arduino interrupts
Interfacing with a servo motor
Servo motor control circuit
Servo motor control sketch
Future inspiration
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Things to remember
Day 6 - Using AC Powered Components
Using relays with AC powered devices
Part 1 - Simulation of sound activated light bulb controller
The sound-activated device sketch
Part 2 - Actual prototype for sound activated light bulb controller
Future inspiration - Automatic room lights
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Things to remember
Day 7 - The World of Transmitters, Receivers, and Transceivers
Understanding Infrared communications
Infrared communication frequency
Infrared communication protocol
Hacking into an existing remote control
Building an Infrared receiver device
The Arduino Infrared library
Using IR receiver TSOP series IR receivers
Using IR receiver SM0038
Building an Infrared transmitter device
Using an IR transmitter LED
Controlling Arduino projects
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Things to remember
Day 8 - Short Range Wireless Communications
Building a radio frequency device
Using the nRF24L01 transceiver module
Wiring nRF24L01 with Arduino
Downloading the open source RF library for Arduino
Transmitting radio frequency waves
Receiving radio frequency signals
Testing the RF transmitter-receiver pair
Bluetooth communications
Using the HC-05 Bluetooth module
Connecting HC-05 to Arduino Uno
HC-05 sketch
Communicating with the HC-05 prototype
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Things to remember
Day 9 - Long-Range Wireless Communications
The GSM module
AT commands
GSM module interfacing with Arduino Uno
GSM module sketch
Forest fire early warning system - Inspiration
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Things to remember
Day 10 - The Internet of Things
Introduction to IOT
IoT edge devices
IoT Cloud platforms
IoT cloud configuration
Step 1 - IoT cloud registration
Step 2 - Configuring an edge device channel
Edge device setup
Building the edge device
Edge device sketch
Smart retail project inspiration
IOT project considerations
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Things to remember
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