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Imperial Library
Title Page
Copyright Page
Part I
The Faux Humility of Dr. Ben Carson
The Shallow Salesmanship of Carly Fiorina
Marco Rubio’s Empty Suit
Ted Cruz: The Lone Stranger
The Biden Dilemma
The Paradox of Bernie Sanders
Trump’s Character Is His Fate
Debating Hillary Clinton
Plutocrats and Their Pets
The GOP’s Faith-Based Climate
Fun Questions for the Next GOP Debate
The GOP’s Tax Warfare
Ted Cruz’s Holiday Spirit
The GOP Establishment’s Not So Happy New Year
Dog Whistles and Hypocrisy: The GOP’s Selective Birthers
Part II
The Rise of the Unfit: Trump, Cruz, and Rubio
Hillary, Bernie, and the Future of the Court
The GOP’s Super Doomsday
The GOP’s Morning After
The GOP’s Strongman Syndrome
An Open Letter to My Republican Friends
Partners in Death: The GOP and the NRA
The Reckoning of 2016: The Supreme Court and Reproductive Rights
The Sound and Fury of Donald Trump
Closing Polls and Slamming Doors: John Roberts’s Race-Based Agenda
Why Bernie Lost—and What to Do about It
Part III
Why Hillary Clinton
Too Sick to Lead: The Lethal Personality Disorder of Donald Trump
From Golden Boy to Fool’s Gold: The Decline of Paul Ryan
The 2016 Veepstakes: Who Will Trump and Clinton Choose?
Kidnapped by a Narcissist: The GOP’s Stockholm Syndrome
The GOP Reaps the Whirlwind: Racism, Nativism, Xenophobia—And Donald Trump
Leading the Lemmings: The GOP’s Idiot King Marches on Cleveland
A Tale of Two Conventions: Hillary Versus the Man on Horseback
America Meets Hillary Clinton
Part IV
Coming This Fall: The Sublime Revenge of Barack Obama
The Fateful August of Donald J. Trump
Trump 3.0: Pivoting in Quicksand
Public Disservice: The Media and Hillary Clinton
Clinton vs. Trump: Black Swans and Perfect Storms
Turning Point: Judging the Great Debate
Losing It: Donald Trump’s Public Crack-Up
Beyond Debate: The Squalid Meltdown of Donald Trump
Apocalypse Soon: Imagining President Trump
Making America Hate Again: Trump’s War on Civil Society
Hillary Clinton’s Final Test
Part V
The Imperative of Voting for Hillary Clinton
Where Does America Go Now?: A Farewell Letter to My Readers
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