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Title Page
About the Author
Chapter 1: It all Starts Here
Into the vortex
Turning your knowledge and expertise into profits: why my story is critical to your success
Ideas, development, production, distribution and growth: the winning sequence
Business, career, love and life: what people are really paying for
Chapter 2: Vision
Million-dollar personal brands — how their vision makes them wealthy
Giants levelling the playing field: why now's a perfect time to get started
The six fundamental principles of lifestyle design
The Lifestyle Design Blueprint
Extracting the essence and bottling the passion: the key to your happiness
What kind of agent are you?
Finding velocity: three archetypes for becoming a successful agent of influence
Mid-air jitters
Chapter 3: Monetisation
Hacking the agent's bank account
Ascend your way to profits
The ascension marketing model (AMM)
It's not rocket science, but it does follow a formula: the AMM template
Payday prediction and creation costs
The method behind my metrics:the #1 secret to unlocking six to seven figures in sales
No list, no worries: how to get started without a database to market to
Reverse engineering
The 3X Customer Formula
Sleep for sale — how to buy it by the bucketload
Chapter 4: Research
Content is king
Finding the algorithms that deliver: the crucial step almost everyone ignores
Going niche, then going broad
Plan, package, produce: winning the trifecta
Planning your way to profits: the vital first step
Packaging: making the ‘intangible' tangible
Producing: first create your production schedule
Chapter 5: Market It
Phase 1: Test your product — the 7-Day Quick Fire Test
Phase 2: Launching your product to the wider marketplace: the enlightened launch
Phase 3: Put your profits on autopilot: the evergreen anatomy
Chapter 6: Automation
Automated economics: the art of going off the grid
The six steps to automated economics
Draw up your Flee 9 to 5 timeline
Chapter 7: Get Social
SSA — Status Seekers Anonymous
The reality-show effect: why revealing ‘behind the scenes' will put money in your pocket
The hub technique: make social pay
The butterfly effect: distribute, share, shape
Become an online giant through content marketing
Product extracts: one product, a thousand ways
The biggest social media marketing mistake ever
The 7-day social media posting cycle: how to create a social media schedule
Lead the tribe or get lost in the news feed
Going viral with the social media engagement ruler (ER)
The strategy: move fast, move often and move minds
Set, but don't forget
Chapter 8: Publicity
In walked the media
Unleash the agent globally: why you need publicity — and fast
Six reasons why the mainstream media is critical to your success
Brand revolution: crafting the celebrity brand that pays
The three pillars of PR success: the breakdown
I was flat-out rejected!
Chapter 9: The Critics
The enemy without: what no one ever talks about, but should!
Annah makes headlines — for all the wrong reasons
‘Public' enemy number one: how to deal with criticism
‘Private' enemy number one: are you thin-skinned?
Overcoming rejection
Chapter 10: Plan It
Strike out on your own — it's time …
From theory to reality: will you pass the test?
Execute it, frame it, empower it: turning a crisis into an opportunity
The 3D Marketing System: the agent's master plan
The 20X Formula: if execution is king, distribution is force
Inside or outside of the plane?
Disrupt the norm — and never work another day in your life
It finally pays off …
Complying with the law!
Consumer protection laws
Privacy laws
Anti-spamming laws
Reference links
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