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Title page
Laws of indices
Exponential function
Equations of lines
Simultaneous linear equations
Expanding and factorisation
Quadratic equations 1
Quadratic equations 2
Radians, arcs and sectors
Trigonometric ratios and graphs
Cosine rule
Sine rule
Vector addition
Surface area and volume
Systems of forces
Resolving forces
Moments and equilibrium
Simply supported beams
Direct loading
Shear loading
Velocity, displacement and acceleration
Applying the SUVAT equations
Force, friction and torque
Work and power
Newton’s laws of motion, momentum and energy
Angular parameters
Mechanical power transmission
Submerged surfaces
Immersed bodies
Fluid flow in tapering pipes
Heat transfer parameters and thermal conductivity
Heat transfer processes
Linear expansivity and phases of matter
Specific heat capacity, latent and sensible heat
Heat pump performance ratios
Enthalpy and entropy
Thermal efficiency of heat engines
Thermodynamic process parameters
Gas laws
Current flow
Coulomb’s law and electrostatic force
Resistance, conductance and temperature
Types of resistor
Field strength
Capacitors – non-polarised
Capacitors – polarised
Ohm’s law, power and efficiency 1
Ohm’s law, power and efficiency 2
Kirchoff’s voltage and current laws
Capacitors – charging and energy
Capacitors – networks
Capacitors in circuits – the time constant
Capacitors in circuits – <i>RC</i> transients
Diodes – bias and applications
DC power sources
Resistors in series or parallel
Resistors in series and parallel combinations
Resistors and diodes in series
Capacitors in series or parallel
Capacitors in series and parallel combinations
Magnetism and magnetic fields
B/H curves, loops and hysteresis
Reluctance and magnetic screening
Electromagnetic induction
DC motors
Electric generators
Inductors and self-inductance
Transformers and mutual inductance
AC waveforms
Single phase AC parameters
Analysing AC voltages using phasors
Reactance and impedance
Your Unit 1 exam
Showing your working
‘State’ and ‘describe’ questions
‘Explain’ questions
‘Find’ questions
‘Calculate’ questions 1
‘Calculate’ questions 2
‘Solve’ questions
‘Draw’ questions
‘Label’ questions
‘Identify’ questions
Synoptic questions 1
Synoptic questions 2
Using the formulae booklet
Formulae and constants
Design triggers 1
Design triggers 2
Reducing energy
Hybrids and energy recovery systems
Sustainability and cost over product life cycle
High-value manufacturing and designing out risk
Systems, equipment and interfaces
System compromises
Equipment specifications and cost effectiveness
Mechanical properties
Physical and thermal properties
Electrical and magnetic properties
Advanced materials
Surface treatments and coatings
Modes of failure of materials
Mechanical motion
Mechanical linkages
Power sources
Controlling power transmission
Processing metals
Powder metallurgy and additive manufacturing
Joining and assembly
Processing polymers
Processing ceramics
Processing fibre-reinforced composites
Effects of processing
Scales of production
Product and service requirements
Product design specification (PDS) 1
Product design specification (PDS) 2
Commercial protection
Legislation and standards
Environmental and safety constraints
Security constraints
Form and functionality
Product performance
Manufacturing processes and requirements
Manufacturing needs
Generating design ideas
Design information
Freehand sketching, diagrams, technical drawings
Graphical techniques
Written communication
Design documentation
Iterative development
Statistical data 1
Statistical data 2
Data handling and graphs 1
Data handling and graphs 2
Frequency distributions
Validating the design
Benefits and opportunities
Further modifications
Your Unit 3 set task
Reading a brief
Conducting research
Making notes
Reading further information
Interpreting an engineering drawing
Analysing data
Creating a time plan
Recording changes and action points
Interpreting a brief
Interpreting numerical data
Producing design ideas 1
Producing design ideas 2
Modified product proposal
Justifying a design
Justifying materials and processes
Developing sustainability
Validating a design proposal
Evaluating with tools and techniques
Microcontrollers and Unit 6
Comparing different microcontrollers
Project boards
Using flowcharts
BASIC as a programming language
C as a programming language
Input and output devices
Visible and infrared light-sensing devices
Temperature and humidity sensors
Input interfacing requirements
Ultrasonic and control potentiometers
Optoelectronic output devices
Electromechanical output devices
Audio output devices
Transistor output stages
Selecting hardware: input devices
Selecting hardware: output devices
Generating a system design
Safe use of typical electronic tools
Assembling and operating a microcontroller system
PICAXE® and Logicator: program files and error checking
PICAXE® and Logicator: simulation, compiling and debugging
Microchip, PICkit 3 and MPLAB®: program files and error checking
Microchip, PICkit 4 and MPLAB®: simulation and debugging
GENIE®: program files
GENIE®: simulation
GENIE®: compiling and debugging
Arduino™ Uno: program files and error checking
Arduino™ Uno: simulation and testing
Flowcode and E-Block: creating and managing program files
Flowcode and E-Block: simulation
Flowcode and E-Block: simulation and debugging
Coding practice and efficient code authoring
Coding constructs: inputs and outputs (BASIC and C) 1
Coding constructs: inputs and outputs (BASIC and C) 2
Coding constructs: inputs and outputs (GENIE<sup>®</sup> flowchart) 1
Coding constructs: inputs and outputs (GENIE<sup>®</sup> flowchart) 2
Coding constructs: logic and arithmetic variables and arrays
Coding constructs: logic and arithmetic
Coding constructs: program flow and control 1
Coding constructs: program flow and control 2
Program flow: iteration
Control of program sequence: if else
Control of program sequence: switch 1
Control of program sequence: switch 2
Structured program design
Number systems: decimal to binary
Number systems: binary to decimal
Project analysis
System design and program planning
System assembly, coding and testing
System testing and operation
Production of evidence
Your Unit 6 set task
Reading a brief
Creating a task plan
Monitoring progress
Monitoring changes 1
Monitoring changes 2
Analysing a brief for product requirements
Completing a test plan
Formulating a system design
Proposing system connections
Planning a program structure
System assembly and programming
System testing
Results analysis
Recording a system in operation
Recording a commentary
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