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Imperial Library
Title Page
Introduction by Michael Szonyi
I. Politics
1. Is the Chinese Communist Regime Legitimate?
2. Can Fighting Corruption Save the Party?
3. Does Mao Still Matter?
4. What Is the Source of Ethnic Tension in China?
5. What Should We Know about Public Opinion in China?
6. What Does Longevity Mean for Leadership in China?
7. Can the Chinese Communist Party Learn from Chinese Emperors?
II. International Relations
8. Will China Lead Asia?
9. How Strong Are China’s Armed Forces?
10. What Does the Rise of China Mean for the United States?
11. Is Chinese Exceptionalism Undermining China’s Foreign Policy Interests?
12. (When) Will Taiwan Reunify with the Mainland?
13. Can China and Japan Ever Get Along?
III. Economy
14. Can China’s High Growth Continue?
15. Is the Chinese Economy Headed toward a Hard Landing?
16. Will Urbanization Save the Chinese Economy or Destroy It?
17. Is China Keeping Its Promises on Trade?
18. How Do China’s New Rich Give Back?
19. What Can China Teach Us about Fighting Poverty?
IV. Environment
20. Can China Address Air Pollution and Climate Change?
21. Is There Environmental Awareness in China?
V. Society
22. Why Does the End of the One-Child Policy Matter?
23. How Are China and Its Middle Class Handling Aging and Mental Health?
24. How Important Is Religion in China?
25. Will There Be Another Dalai Lama?
26. Does Law Matter in China?
27. Why Do So Many Chinese Students Come to the United States?
VI. History and Culture
28. Who Is Confucius in Today’s China?
29. Where Did the Silk Road Come From?
30. Why Do Intellectuals Matter to Chinese Politics?
31. Why Do Classic Chinese Novels Matter?
32. How Have Chinese Writers Imagined China’s Future?
33. Has Chinese Propaganda Won Hearts and Minds?
34. Why Is It Still So Hard to Talk about the Cultural Revolution?
35. What Is the Future of China’s Past?
36. How Has the Study of China Changed in the Last Sixty Years?
Further Reading
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