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List of Maps and Figure
Introduction Historians and the Occupation
Péguy’s Frances
1945–1965: The Resistance writes its History
1970s: Enter the Vichy Regime
1980s: From Regime to Society
Le Grand Absent : The Jews
1990s: The Resistance Returns
Part I Anticipations
1 The Shadow of War: Cultural Anxieties and Modern Nightmares
Verdun: The Soldier-Peasant
Dénatalité : The Disappearance of France
Old Mother or New Woman?
America: Scenes of the Future
Le Rappel à l’ordre : The New Classicism
Modernist Nightmares: Morand and Céline
2 Rethinking the Republic: 1890–1934
Before 1914: ‘La Fin des notables?’
The 1920s: The Maurrassian Moment
1919–1928: Missed Opportunities?
The ‘Jeunes Équipes’: 1928–1930
The Tardieu Moment: 1930
The Nonconformists: Liberalism Contested 1932–1934
3 Class War/Civil War
The 1920s: Defending the Bourgeois Republic
Fragile Consensus: 1926–1932
The Depression
The 1930s Crisis: The Right’s Response
The 1930s Crisis: The Left’s Response
The Consequences of the Popular Front
4 The German Problem
From Caillautism to Briandism: The Pragmatic Tradition
The Pacifist Consensus
Rethinking Pacifism: The Impact of Hitler
From Anti-Communism to Conservative Neo-Pacifism
After Munich: A New Sweden?
5 The Daladier Moment: Prelude to Vichy or Republican Revival?
After Munich: Anti-Communism and Imperialism
Daladier: The Authoritarian Republic
Foreigners and Jews
Race and the Republican Tradition
6 The Debacle
Causes and Consequences
Drôle de guerre and Anti-Communism
Defeat and Exodus
Armistice or Capitulation?
Enter Pétain
The Armistice
Enter Laval: The End of the Republic
Was Vichy ‘Legal’?
Part II The Regime: National Revolution and Collaboration
7 The National Revolution
Vichy Governments
The National Revolution: Doctrine
The National Revolution: Sources
Conflicts I: Education
Conflicts II: State and Society: The Fascist Temptation
Conflicts III: The Economy
8 Collaboration
Jean Moulin: Collaborator
Involuntary Collaboration/Voluntary Collaboration
German Polyocracy: ‘What a lot of authorities’
Initiating Collaboration: Montoire
13 December: The Fall of Laval
The British Connection
Relaunching Collaboration: The Protocols of Paris
After the Protocols: Collaboration goes on
Economic Collaboration
9 Collaborationism
Fanatics, Criminals and Adventurers
Frères-Ennemis : Doriot and Déat
The Rank and File
Leftist Collaborationism
Circles of Influence
Collaboration as Hatred and Fraternity: Je suis partout
Drieu’s NRF: Literary Collaborationism
Drieu: Collaborationism as Self-Hatred
10 Laval in Power 1942–1943
The Authoritarian Republic
Tightening the Screw: Oberg, Sauckel, Dannecker, Röthke
The Vel d’Hiv:
July 1942 217 The Collaborationists Attack
The North African Imbroglio
Vichy 1943: Shrinking Power
Towards Terror: The Milice
Collaboration: The Balance Sheet
Part III Vichy, the Germans, and the French People
11 Propaganda, Policing, and Administration
Other Maps
Selling the National Revolution: Propaganda
Repression and Administration
The Prefects: ‘Propagandists of Truth’
The Church: ‘Loyalty without Enthralment’
12 Public Opinion, Vichy, and the Germans
Public Opinion: From Disenchantment to Opposition
The Pétain Cult
Private Lives
Responding to the Germans
The Sociology of Opinion: Notables and Peasants
The Sociology of Opinion: Business
The Sociology of Opinion: The Workers
13 Intellectuals, Artists, and Entertainers
Culture under Vichy
German Ambiguities
Glittering Paris: Temptations and Sophistries
Continuing France
The Cinema: Ambiguities and Paradoxes
14 Reconstructing Mankind
Moral Hygiene/Social Hygiene
Family Values
Women, Vichy, and the Germans
Remaking the Young: Aspirations and Reality
Uriage: A Pétainist Deviation?
‘Pockets of Health’ (Mounier)
Twentieth-Century Utopia: An Architect at Vichy
Utopian Communities: An Economist at Vichy
15 Vichy and the Jews
Emulative Zeal: Vichy Anti-Semitism/Nazi Anti-Semitism
The Holocaust in France
Jewish Responses: French and Immigrants
Jewish Resistance
French Society and the Jews 1940–1942: Indifference and Hostility
French Society and the Jews 1942–1944: Solidarity and Rescue
Part IV The Resistance
16 The Free French 1940–1942
Conflict: De Gaulle and his Allies
The National Committee
De Gaulle’s Ideology
De Gaulle and the French
17 The Resistance 1940–1942
Glimmers in the Night
Consolidation I: Movements and Networks
Consolidation II: North and South
Towards Ideology
Other Voices I: Catholics and Socialists
Other Voices II: The Communists
Towards Unity
18 De Gaulle and the Resistance 1942
Moulin’s Plan
The Resistance and London: First Contacts
Moulin and the Resistance
The Resistance: Geography and Sociology
Resistance and the Population: How to Resist?
19 Power Struggles 1943
Moulin, Brossolette, and the Movements
Moulin’s Victory: The CNR
De Gaulle and Giraud
After Caluire: The Resistance Fights Back
Communist Policy
Responding to the Communists
Communist Infiltration?
20 Resistance in Society
Diversification and Radicalization
The Disintegration of Vichy
The Maquis
The Peasantry and the Resistance
Women in the Resistance
Foreigners in the Resistance
Recruiting the Professions: Communists and Writers
Bringing in the Workers: National Insurrection
21 Remaking France
Vichy and the Resistance: Shared Values
Pétaino-Resisters: An Abortive Third Way
The New Elite
Making Plans
Building a Clandestine State
Part V Liberation and After
22 Towards Liberation: January to June 1944
The Milice State: Darnand and Henriot
Glières: ‘Defeat of arms, victory of souls’
Springtime of Fear
April 1944: Pétain in Paris
The Communists
What Kind of Insurrection?
23 Liberations
Uprisings and Massacres
COMAC v London
De Gaulle in Bayeux
The Last Days of Vichy
Liberation and Insurrection
The Liberation of Paris
Vichy-Sigmaringen: From One Spa to Another
24 A New France?
Restoring order
The Purges I: Myth and Reality
The Purges II: Cleansing the Community
The Purges III: The Trials
Intellectuals in the Dock
The Liberation Betrayed?
Epilogue Remembering the Occupation
Constructing Memory
Dissenting Memories I: The Resistance
Dissenting Memories II: Pétainists and Collaborators
Buried Memories: The Victims
Fragmented Memories
Memory on Trial
Obsessive Memory
Mitterrand’s Memories
The Papon Trial
The Resistance Syndrome
In Search of the True France
Appendix : The Camps of Vichy France
Bibliographical Essay
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