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Imperial Library
Title Page
Biographical Note
Editor’s Preface to the First Edition
I. Essays
A Note on Sherwood Anderson, 1953
Mississippi, 1954
A Guest’s Impression of New England, 1954
An Innocent at Rinkside, 1955
Kentucky: May: Saturday, 1955
On Privacy, 1955
Impressions of Japan, 1955
To the Youth of Japan, 1955
Letter to a Northern Editor, 1956
On Fear: Deep South in Labor: Mississippi, 1956
A Letter to the Leaders in the Negro Race, 1956
Albert Camus, 1961
II. Speeches
Funeral Sermon for Mammy Caroline Barr, February 4, 1940
Upon Receiving the Nobel Prize for Literature, 1950
To the Graduating Class University High School, 1951
Upon Being Made an Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1951
To the Delta Council, 1952
To the Graduating Class Pine Manor Junior College, 1953
Upon Receiving the National Book Award for Fiction, 1955
To the Southern Historical Association, 1955
Upon Receiving the Silver Medal of the Athens Academy, 1957
To the American Academy of Arts and Letters in Presenting the Gold Medal for Fiction to John Dos Passos, 1957
To the Raven, Jefferson, and ODK Societies of the University of Virginia, 1958
To the English Club of the University of Virginia, 1958
To the U. S. National Commission for UNESCO, 1950
To the American Academy of Arts and Letters upon Acceptance of the Gold Medal for Fiction, 1962
III. Introductions
Foreword to Sherwood Anderson & Other Famous Creoles, 1926
Introduction to the Modern Library Edition of Sanctuary, 1932
Foreword to the Faulkner Reader, 1954
IV. Book Reviews
The Road Back, by Erich Maria Remarque, 1931
Test Pilot, by Jimmy Collins, 1935
The Old Man and the Sea, by Ernest Hemingway, 1952
V. Public Letters
To the Book Editor of the Chicago Tribune, July 16, 1927
To the President of the League of American Writers, 1938
To the Editor of the Memphis Commercial Appeal, July 12, 1941
“His Name was Pete,” Oxford Eagle, August 15, 1946
To the Editor of the Oxford Eagle, March 13, 1947
To the Editor of the Memphis Commercial Appeal, March 26, 1950
To the Editor of the Memphis Commercial Appeal, April 9, 1950
To the Secretary of the American Academy of Arts and Letters, June 12, 1950
“To the Voters of Oxford,” September 1950
To the Editor of the Oxford Eagle, September 14, 1950
To the Editor of Time, November 13, 1950
Statement to the Press on the Willie Mcgee Case, Memphis Commercial Appeal, March 27, 1951
To the Editor of the New York Times, December 26, 1954
To the Editor of the Memphis Commercial Appeal, February 20, 1955
To the Editor of the Memphis Commercial Appeal, March 20, 1955
To the Editor of the New York Times, March 25, 1955
To the Editor of the Memphis Commercial Appeal, April 3, 1955
To the Editor of the Memphis Commercial Appeal, April 10, 1955
To the Editor of the Memphis Commercial Appeal, April 17, 1955
Press Dispatch on the Emmett Till Case, September 9, 1955
To the Editor of Life, March 26, 1956
To the Editor of the Reporter, April 19, 1956
To the Editor of Time, April 23, 1956
To the Editor of Time, December 10, 1956
To the Editor of the New York Times, December 16, 1956
To the Editor of Time, February 11, 1957
To the Editor of the Memphis Commercial Appeal, September 15, 1957
To the Editor of the New York Times, October 13, 1957
Notice, Oxford Eagle, September 24, 1959
“Notice,” Oxford Eagle, October 15, 1959
To the Editor of the New York Times, August 28, 1960
VI. Essays
Verse, Old and Nascent: A Pilgrimage, 1924
On Criticism, 1925
Sherwood Anderson, 1925
Literature and War, 1925
And Now What’s To Do, 1925
The Composition, Editing, and Cutting of Flags in the Dust, c. 1928
Mac Grider’s Son, 1934
Note on A Fable, c. 1953
VII. Speeches
Funeral Sermon for Mammy Caroline Barr February 5, 1940
Address to the Congrès pour la Liberté de la Culture, 1952
Address at the American Literature Seminar, Nagano, 1955
Address upon Receiving the Andrés Bello Award, Caracas, 1961
Address at the Teatro Municipal, Caracas, 1961
VIII. Introductions
Two Introductions to The Sound and the Fury
Oxford, Mississippi, August 19, 1933
Oxford, Mississippi, 1946
Prefatory Note to “Appendix: Compson, 1699–1945,” 1946
IX. Book and Drama Reviews
In April Once, by W. A. Percy, 1920
Turns and Movies, by Conrad Aiken, 1921
Aria da Capo: A Play in One Act, by Edna St. Vincent Millay, 1922
American Drama: Eugene O’Neill, 1922
American Drama: Inhibitions, 1922
Linda Condon—Cytherea—The Bright Shawl, by Joseph Hergesheimer, 1922
Ducdame, by John Cowper Powys, 1925
Test Pilot, by Jimmy Collins (The uncut text), 1935
X. Public Letters
To the New Orleans Times-Item, April 4, 1925
To the Editor of the Memphis Commercial Appeal, February 15, 1931
Blurb for Men in Darkness, by James Hanley, 1932
Blurb and Promotional Use of Letter to Clifton Cuthbert, 1933
Classified Ad in the Memphis Commercial Appeal, January 22, 1936
Inscription on the Monument to Lafayette County’s World War II Dead, 1947
To the Memphis Commercial Appeal, April 30, 1950
Blurb for the End of the Affair, by Graham Greene, 1955
Draft of September 15, 1957, Letter to the Memphis Commercial Appeal
Estate Administrator’s Notice in the Oxford Eagle, 1960
The Modern Library Editorial Board
About the Author
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Also by William Faulkner
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