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Part I. Background
1. Statistical ideas
1.1 Sampling
1.2 Sample statistics
1.3 Common continuous distributions
1.4 Common discrete probability distributions
1.5 Compound Poisson distributions
1.6 Estimation and inference
1.7 Types of model
1.8 Testing the goodness of fit of a model
1.9 AIC and related measures
1.10 Quantile-quantile plots
Part II. Stationary individuals
2. Quadrats and transects
2.1 What shape quadrats?
2.2 How many quadrats?
2.3 Quadrat placement
2.4 Forestry sampling
2.5 Quadrats for estimating frequency
2.6 Nested quadrats
2.7 Quadrats for estimating cover
2.8 *Variation between and within quadrats
3. Points and lines
3.1 The point quadrat frame
3.2 Line-intercept sampling (LIS)
3.3 Point-count transect sampling
4. Distance methods
4.1 Spatial patterns
4.2 Locations for sampling points
4.3 Simple point-to-plant measures
4.4 Using the distance to the kth nearest plant
4.5 The point-centred quarter method (PCQM)
4.6 Angle-order estimators
4.7 Nearest-neighbour distances
4.8 Combined point-to-plant and nearest-neighbour measures
4.9 Wandering methods
4.10 Handling mixtures of species
4.11 Recommendations
5. Variable sized plots
5.1 Variable area transect (VAT)
5.2 3P sampling
5.3 Bitterlich sampling
5.4 Perpendicular distance sampling (PDS)
Part III. Mobile individuals
6. Quadrats, transects, points, and lines – revisited
6.1 Box quadrats
6.2 Strip transects
6.3 Using frequency to estimate abundance
6.4 Point counts (point transects)
6.5 Double-observer sampling
6.6 Double sampling
6.7 Removal sampling
7. Capture-recapture methods
7.1 Capture-recapture models for a closed population
7.2 Capture-recapture models for an open population
7.3 Pollock’s robust design
7.4 Spatial capture-recapture models
7.5 Mark-resight estimation
8. Distance methods
8.1 The underlying idea
8.2 Detection functions
8.3 Point transects
8.4 Using imprecise distance data
8.5 Introducing covariates
8.6 Multiple species
8.7 Sightings of groups
8.8 Line transects
Part IV. Species
9. Species richness
9.1 Richness indices
9.2 Rarefaction
9.3 The dependence of richness on area
9.4 Estimating the unobserved
9.5 The limitation of using richness as a measure of diversity
9.6 An occupation-detection model
10. Diversity
10.1 Berger-Parker dominance
10.2 Shannon entropy
10.3 Simpson’s index
10.4 Effective numbers
10.5 Fisher’s α
10.6 Taking account of differences between species
10.7 Measuring β-diversity
11. Species abundance distributions (SADS)
11.1 Illustrating abundance distributions
11.2 The log-series distribution
11.3 Truncated Poisson-lognormal distribution
11.4 The gambin model
11.5 Testing the goodness of fit of a model to a set of octave counts
11.6 Determining the drivers for species abundance distributions
12. Other aspects of diversity
12.1 Evenness
12.2 Similarity and complementarity
12.3 Turnover
12.4 Rarity
Further reading
Index of Examples
General Index
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