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Finding the South
Understanding the South
About This Book
The South Italy Kitchen
Antipasti | Starters
Manell’ | Fried Polenta Fritters
Peperoni Imbottiti alla Beneventana | Bread-Stuffed Peppers
Frittelle di Zucchine | Zucchini Patties
Olive Salate | Cured Olives
Verdure sott’Olio | Marinated Vegetables
Frittata ai Fiori | Frittata with Spring Flowers
Polpette Casce e Ovo | Bread “Meatballs”
Melanzane a’ Scarpone | Stuffed Eggplants
Capunata con Friselle | Endive, Tomato, Tuna, and Mozzarella with Twice-Baked Pugliese Bread
Porcini Impanati | Fried Porcini Mushrooms
Zuppe e Minestre | Soups and Stews
Crapiata | Fava, Pea, and Cicerchie Soup
Pizz e Foje | Polenta with Wild Greens
Zuppa di Fagioli e Castagne | Bean and Chestnut Soup
Minestra di Patane e Verza | Potato and Cabbage Stew
Minestra Maritata | Wild Herb and Pork Soup
’A Cicciata ri Santa Lucia | Bean and Grain Soup
’Vuccata i San Giuseppe | Chickpea Soup with Bitter Greens
Minestra di Zucchine | Zucchini, Egg, and Parmesan Soup
Licurdia | Tropea Onion Soup
Gli Sciuscielli | Bread Dumplings with Potato and Tomato Broth
Pasta | Pasta Shapes and Sauces
Carrati con Ragù di Castrato | Carrati with Mutton Ragù
Carrati con Ricotta e Noci | Carrati with Ricotta and Walnuts
Orecchiette, Raschiatelli, e Cicatielli | Flour-and-Water Pasta Shapes
Filjie e Carrati | Egg Pasta Shapes
Cicatielli con Pulieio | Cavatelli with Tomato and Wild Mint Pesto
Orecchiette con Burrata, Pomodorini, e Pesto | Orecchiette with Burrata, Tomatoes, and Almond Pesto
Paccheri alla Cilentana | Paccheri with Capers, Olives, Anchovies, and Fried Bread Crumbs
Orecchiette al Grano Arso | (Toasted-Flour Orecchiette)
Filjie con Ragù Calabrese | Fusilli with Calabrian-Style Pork Ragù
’O Scarpariello | Spaghetti with Garlic and Corbara Tomatoes
Raschiatelli alla Mollica | Pasta with Fried Bread Crumbs
Spaghetti con Colatura di Alici | Spaghetti with Anchovy Sauce
Candele con ’Nduja | Candele with ’Nduja
Sicchie d’a Munnezza | Spaghetti with Dried Fruits and Nuts
Pesce | Fish
Cauraro | Anchovy and Spring Vegetable Stew
Cozze Ripiene | Stuffed Mussels
Pesce Spada alla Scillanese | Swordfish Rolls
Alici Arraganate | Pan-Fried Anchovies
Scapece alla Gallipolina | Fried Marinated Sardines with Saffron
Seppia Sckattiata | Cuttlefish Cooked in Oil
U Morzeddhu e Baccalà | Cod with Chile, Peppers, Tomato, and Paprika
Brodetto di Pesce alla Termolese | Termoli-Style Fish Soup
Insalata di Polpo con le Patate | Octopus and Potato Salad
Carne | Meat
Involtini alla Piazzetta | Frittata-Stuffed Meat Rolls
Susciello | Eggs with Salami and Tomato
Trippa alla Scapece | Marinated Tripe with Herbs
Capocollo ai Funghi | Pork Collar with Mushrooms
Spezzatino all’Uva | Pork Cooked with Grapes
Capretto Arrostito | Country-Style Suckling Goat
U’ Cutturidd’ | Lamb Stew
Brasato di Bufala | Braised Buffalo
Pollo alla Potentina | Potenza-Style Chicken with Herbs and Wine
Contorni | Salads and Side Dishes
Insalata di Rinforzo | Cauliflower, Olive, Pepper, and Caper Salad
Cianfotta | Neapolitan-Style Ratatouille
Patate Raganate | Crispy Potatoes with Onions and Parmigiano-Reggiano
Sedano alla Molisana | Sautéed Celery with Olives
Ciaudedda | Favas, Artichokes, and Potatoes
’U Pan’ Cuott’ | Baked Bread and Provolone Casserole
Finocchi in Padella | Sautéed Fennel and Herbs
Insalata di Limone | Lemon and Mint Salad
Insalata di Pera, Rughetta, e Scamorza | Pear, Arugula, and Scamorza Salad
Pane, Focaccia, e Pizza | Bread, Focaccia, and Pizza
Focaccia Pugliese | Olive and Tomato Flatbread
Pucce Uliate | Olive Rolls
Casatiello | Easter Bread
Pizza Chiena | Egg and Ham Pie
Impasto per la Pizza Napoletana | Neapolitan-Style Pizza Dough
Friselle | Italian Rusk
Pane di Matera | Matera-Style Durum Wheat Bread
U Ficcilatìdd | Fennel Seed Bread
’A Pizza co’ l’Erva | Vegetable Calzone
Dolci | Desserts
U’ Piscquett’l | Lemon Zest and Cherry Jam Cookies
Crostata di Rotonda | Jam Tart with Lard Crust
Pigna di Pasqua | Easter Pound Cake
Giurgiulena | Calabrian Sesame-Nut Brittle
Pastorelle | Chestnut-and-Chocolate-Filled Christmas Cookies
‘Mpigne | Potato Cookies
Mandorlaccio | Country-Style Almond Cake
Lingue di Procida | Lemon Cream–Filled Puff Pastry
Mulignana c’a’ Ciucculata | Fried Eggplant Smothered in Chocolate
Liquori e Cocktail | Liqueurs and Cocktails
Limoncello | Citrus Liqueur
Negroni del Capo
Finocchiello | Wild Fennel Liqueur
Amaro | Bitter Digestif
Ratafià | Cherry Vermouth
Witch on the Beach
Liquore alla Liquirizia | Licorice Liqueur
Nucillo | Walnut Liqueur
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