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Imperial Library
Foreword by David Lehman
Introduction by Sherman Alexie
Sarah Arvio , “Bodhisattva”
Derrick Austin , “Cedars of Lebanon”
Desiree Bailey , “A Retrograde”
Melissa Barrett , “WFM: Allergic to Pine-Sol, Am I the Only One”
Mark Bibbins , “Swallowed”
Jessamyn Birrer , “A Scatology”
Chana Bloch , “The Joins”
Emma Bolden , “House Is an Enigma”
Dexter L. Booth , “Prayer at 3 a.m.”
Catherine Bowman , “Makeshift”
Rachael Briggs , “in the hall of the ruby-throated warbler”
Jericho Brown , “Homeland”
Julie Carr , “A fourteen-line poem on sex”
Chen Chen , “for i will do/undo what was done/undone to me”
Susanna Childress , “Careful, I Just Won a Prize at the Fair”
Yi-Fen Chou , “The Bees, the Flowers, Jesus, Ancient Tigers, Poseidon, Adam and Eve”
Erica Dawson , “Slow-Wave Sleep with a Fairy Tale”
Danielle DeTiberus , “In a Black Tank Top”
Natalie Diaz , “It Was the Animals”
Denise Duhamel , “Fornicating”
Thomas Sayers Ellis , “Vernacular Owl”
Emily Kendal Frey , “In Memory of My Parents Who Are Not Dead Yet”
James Galvin , “On the Sadness of Wedding Dresses”
Madelyn Garner , “The Garden in August”
Amy Gerstler , “Rhinencephalon”
Louise Glück , “A Sharply Worded Silence”
R. S. Gwynn , “Looney Tunes”
Meredith Hasemann , “Thumbs”
Terrance Hayes, “Antebellum House Party”
Rebecca Hazelton , “My Husband”
Jane Hirshfield , “A Common Cold”
Bethany Schultz Hurst , “ Crisis on Infinite Earths , Issues 1–12”
Saeed Jones , “Body & Kentucky Bourbon”
Joan Naviyuk Kane , “Exhibits from the Dark Museum”
Laura Kasischke , “For the Young Woman I Saw Hit by a Car While Riding Her Bike”
Douglas Kearney , “In the End, They Were Born on TV”
Jennifer Keith , “Eating Walnuts”
David Kirby , “Is Spot in Heaven?”
Andrew Kozma , “Ode to the Common Housefly”
Hailey Leithauser , “The Pickpocket Song”
Dana Levin , “Waching the Sea Go”
Patricia Lockwood , “See a Furious Waterfall Without Water”
Dora Malech , “Party Games”
Donna Masini , “Anxieties”
Airea D. Matthews , “If My Late Grandmother Were Gertrude Stein”
Jamaal May , “There Are Birds Here”
Laura McCullough , “There Were Only Dandelions”
Rajiv Mohabir , “Dove”
Aimee Nezhukumatathil , “Upon Hearing the News You Buried Our Dog”
D. Nurkse , “Plutonium”
Tanya Olson , “54 Prince”
Ron Padgett , “Survivor Guilt”
Alan Michael Parker , “Candying Mint”
Catherine Pierce , “Relevant Details”
Donald Platt , “The Main Event”
Claudia Rankine , from Citizen
Raphael Rubinstein , “Poem Begun on a Train”
Natalie Scenters-Zapico , “Endnotes on Ciudad Juárez”
Evie Shockley , “legend”
Charles Simic , “So Early in the Morning”
Sandra Simonds , “Similitude at Versailles”
Ed Skoog , “The Macarena”
A. E. Stallings , “Ajar”
Susan Terris , “Memo to the Former Child Prodigy”
Michael Tyrell , “Delicatessen”
Wendy Videlock , “How You Might Approach a Foal:”
Sidney Wade , “The Chickasaw Trees”
Cody Walker , “Trades I Would Make”
LaWanda Walters , “Goodness in Mississippi”
Afaa Michael Weaver , “City of Eternal Spring”
Candace G. Wiley , “Dear Black Barbie”
Terence Winch , “Subject to Change”
Jane Wong , “Thaw”
Monica Youn , “March of the Hanged Men”
Contributors’ Notes and Comments
Magazines Where the Poems Were First Published
About Sherman Alexie and David Lehman
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