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Praise for Leadership by Algorithm
Chapter 1: Entering a New Era
The rise of algorithms in organizations
Automation and innovation
Us versus them?
Why we think about replacing humans
When innovating becomes leading
Do limits exist for self-learning machines?
Chapter 2: The Leadership Challenge in the Algorithm Age
Will your boss be a robot?
The red-hot business model
Human sophistication
Chapter 3: Leading by Algorithm: Rushing In
Being wise, not smart
The leadership of today will not be the leadership of tomorrow
Are we ready to accept?
Who qualifies?
Will others follow?
The black-box problem
Trusting algorithms
Chapter 4: Management Controls, Leadership Conquers
The art of running an organization
Hooray for the administrator
The problem with too many managers
Why your mindset matters
Achieving more means less management
The danger of status-quo thinking
Targets make you blind to what really matters
Any leaders out there?
Leadership is not management
Not all hierarchy is algorithmic
Chapter 5: Bridging Management and Algorithms
Do I need to become a coder?
Does human intuition pay off?
The human brain shines, the algorithm gets things done
Bring out the blockchain
Management by algorithm
The limits of management by algorithm
Co-operation is the key word
Chapter 6: Algorithms and Leadership
Why leadership needs to be the real deal
Looking ahead with a sense of purpose
It’s all about connecting with others, stupid!
Failure happens; what matters is, can we correct it?
Does it make any sense?
On the fabric of sense-making
Critical thinking
Emotional intelligence
Ethical judgment
Chapter 7: The Day that Empowerment Changed
Empowerment makes the world go round
Leadership empowers humans
Why aversive?
Tackle the fear
Tackle loss of control
It’s all about power
Create transparency
Continuous education
How to explain?
Leadership empowers algorithms
The art of delegation
Purpose makes for data
Chapter 8: Co-Creation as a New Beginning?
Iron Man as the example to follow?
Co-operating in the new diversity
To be an orchestral conductor
Initiating co-operation
Creating added value
Chapter 9: The Art of Leadership: Purpose and Inclusion
Know your context
On the importance of purpose
Visionary leadership
How to develop your visionary abilities?
Ethical leadership
Reducing the complexity of ethics
Augmenting ethics through automation
How to develop your ethical leadership abilities?
Summary: The benefits of purpose-driven leadership
Setting priorities to look at data
Framing the right kind of questions for the right kind of strategy
Providing a focus on how to analyze the data
Helping to integrate new business demands with the values of the organization to create relevant and valuable strategies
Explaining clearly why data is collected and analyzed
On the importance of inclusive leadership
Connecting leadership
How to develop your connecting abilities
Trustworthy leadership
Trust building starts with the leader
The art of fostering trust
How to develop your trustworthiness
Diversity-minded leadership
The diversity curator
Experiment and fail
How to develop your diversity mindset
Humble leadership
Please challenge me!
Promoting bottom-up thinking
How to develop your humility?
Summary: The benefits of inclusive leadership
Different departments to co-operate
Integrating teams of data scientists in the daily operations of the company
Promoting transparency in communication and exchange of data
Empower algorithms in non-biased ways
Be humble, and work on being tech savvy
Chapter 10: What Will Be and What Should Be
Too good to be true?
The end user is technology, or am I wrong?
What about the human?
We will survive… again!
Co-operation above all
How to move on
Building the right culture
Humans lead, algorithms manage
Who knows where to go?
Continuous education
Humanity in AI as a guiding tool
Tolerance for imperfection
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