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Half Title
Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 Industrial Engineering
1.2 Duties of an Industrial Engineer
1.3 Subject Coverage
1.4 Suggestions for Reading the Book
1.5 How to Be a Manager
1.5.1 Guidelines to Follow
1.5.2 Working with People
1.5.3 Decision Making
Chapter 2 Organizational Structure
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Basic Principles of Organization
2.3 Forms of Organizational Structure
2.3.1 Line Organization
2.3.2 Line and Staff Organization
2.4 Organizational Design Strategies
2.5 Major Forms of Departmentation
2.5.1 Functional Departmentation
2.5.2 Product/Divisional Departmentation
2.5.3 Geographic Departmentation
2.5.4 Clientele Departmentation
2.5.5 Process Departmentation
2.5.6 Time Departmentation
2.5.7 Alphanumeric Departmentation
2.5.8 Autonomy Departmentation
2.6 Management Functions
2.6.1 Contemporary Operations Management
2.6.2 Span of Control
2.6.3 Complexities of Span of Control
2.6.4 Informal Organization
2.7 Organizational Activities of a Production Control System
2.8 Typical Production and Service Systems
Chapter 3 Manufacturing Systems
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Conventional Manufacturing Systems
3.2.1 Job Shop Production
3.2.2 Batch Production
3.2.3 Mass Production
3.3 Physical Arrangement of Manufacturing Equipment
3.3.1 Fixed-Position Layout
3.3.2 Functional Layout
3.3.3 Group Technology Layout
3.3.4 Line Layout and Group Technology Flow Line
3.3.5 Comparison of Plant Layouts
3.3.6 Hybrid and Nested Manufacturing Systems
3.4 Modern Manufacturing Systems
3.5 Flexible Manufacturing Systems
3.5.1 Advantages of FMSs
3.5.2 Disadvantages of FMSs
3.6 Physical Configuration of Flexible Manufacturing Systems
3.6.1 Cell Layout
3.6.2 Linear Layout
3.6.3 Loop Layout
3.6.4 Carousel System
3.6.5 Other Layouts and Systems
3.7 General Comments
Chapter 4 Classification and Coding
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Group Technology
4.2.1 Part Families
4.2.2 Part Classification and Coding
4.3 Classification and Coding Schemes
4.3.1 Monocodes
4.3.2 Polycodes
4.3.3 Hybrids
4.3.4 The Opitz Classification System
4.3.5 Commercially Developed Systems
4.3.6 Custom-Engineered Classification and Coding Systems
Chapter 5 Sequencing and Scheduling of Operations
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Definition of Scheduling Terms
5.3 Scheduling Algorithms
5.3.1 Objectives in Scheduling Problems
5.3.2 Industrial Problems
5.3.3 The Practice
5.4 n-Job 1-Machine Problem
5.4.1 Classification of Scheduling Problems
5.5 Johnson’s Algorithm
5.6 Johnson’s Extended Algorithm
5.7 Jackson’s Algorithm
5.8 Akers’ Algorithm
5.9 The Branch and Bound Method
5.9.1 Lower Bounds for Completion Time
5.9.2 Branch and Bound Algorithm
5.10 Mathematical Solutions
5.11 Closing Remarks
Chapter 6 Forecasting
6.1 Introduction
6.1.1 Pre-Forecasting Analysis
6.1.2 Forecasting Horizon
6.2 Mathematical Forecasting Methods
6.2.1 Linear Regression
6.2.2 Simple Moving Average
6.2.3 Weighted Moving Average
6.2.4 Exponential Smoothing
6.3 Measure of Quality of Forecasts
6.3.1 Coefficient of Correlation
6.3.2 Analysis of Forecast Errors
6.4 Closing Remarks
Chapter 7 Statistical Quality Control
7.1 Introduction
7.2 Determining Quality
7.2.1 Why is Quality Inconsistent?
7.3 Economics of Quality
7.4 The Role of Distributions
7.4.1 The Scatter of Data
7.4.2 Normal Distribution
7.5 Distribution of Sample Averages
7.6 Statistical Quality Control Methods
7.6.1 Quality Control for Variables: X, and R Charts
7.6.2 The Aimed-at-Values Method
7.6.3 The Estimated-Values Method
7.6.4 Evaluation of the Level of Control
7.6.5 Distinction between Defective and Reworkable Parts
7.6.6 Interpretation of Sample Behavior
7.6.7 Nature and Frequency of Sampling
7.6.8 Control Charts Limits
7.6.9 Areas of Application
7.7 Quality Control for Attributes
7.7.1 Quality Control for Defectives
7.7.2 Number of Defectives in a Sample
7.7.3 Mean and Dispersion
7.7.4 Quality Control for Defectives: p-Chart and np-Chart
7.7.5 Estimated-Values Method
7.7.6 Interpretation of Sample Behavior
7.7.7 Sample Size
7.8 Control Chart for Defects: c-Chart
7.8.1 Counting Defects
7.9 Revising the Control Limits
Chapter 8 Facility Location
8.1 Introduction
8.2 Forms of Distance
8.3 Objective Function Formulation
8.4 Mini-Sum Problems
8.4.1 Squared Euclidean Distance
8.4.2 Euclidean Distance
8.4.3 Rectilinear Distance—Point Locations
8.4.4 Rectilinear Distance—Area Locations
8.5 Mini-Max Location Problems
Chapter 9 System Reliability
9.1 Introduction
9.2 Definition of Reliability
9.3 Failure over the Operating Life
9.4 The Reliability Function
9.4.1 Failure Rate
9.5 Reliability of Multiunit Systems
9.5.1 Series Configuration
9.5.2 Parallel Configuration
9.6 Combined Series-Parallel Configurations
9.6.1 System-Level Redundancy
9.6.2 Component-Level Redundancy
9.7 More Complex Configurations
9.8 The Method of Path Enumeration
9.8.1 Sensitivity Analysis
Chapter 10 Queueing Theory
10.1 Introduction
10.2 Elements of Queueing Systems
10.2.1 Arrival Pattern
10.2.2 Queue Discipline
10.2.3 Service Arrangement
10.2.4 Service Duration
10.2.5 Performance Metrics
10.2.6 System Modification
10.3 Queueing Models
10.3.1 Single-Channel Queues
10.3.2 Multiple-Channel Queues
Chapter 11 Application of Principles
11.1 Introduction
11.2 5S Concept
11.2.1 Detailed Explanation of 5S Action Items
11.3 Supply-Chain Management
11.3.1 Principles of Supply-Chain Management
11.4 Six-Sigma Techniques
11.5 Lean Thinking
A Effective Meetings
B Effective Presentations
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