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Brief Table of Contents
1 Personal Financial Planning in Action
Making Financial Decisions
Your Life Situation and Financial Planning
Financial Planning in Our Economy
Financial Planning Activities
Developing and Achieving Financial Goals
Types of Financial Goals
Goal-Setting Guidelines
Opportunity Costs and the Time Value of Money
Personal Opportunity Costs
Financial Opportunity Costs
A Plan for Personal Financial Planning
Step 1: Determine Your Current Financial Situation
Step 2: Develop Your Financial Goals
Step 3: Identify Alternative Courses of Action
Step 4: Evaluate Your Alternatives
Step 5: Create and Implement Your Financial Action Plan
Step 6: Review and Revise Your Plan
Career Choice and Financial Planning
Chapter 1 Appendix: Time Value of Money
2 Money Management Skills
A Successful Money Management Plan
Components of Money Management
A System for Personal Financial Records
Personal Financial Statements
Your Personal Balance Sheet: The Starting Point
Your Cash Flow Statement: Inflows and Outflows
A Plan for Effective Budgeting
Step 1: Set Financial Goals
Step 2: Estimate Income
Step 3: Budget an Emergency Fund and Savings
Step 4: Budget Fixed Expenses
Step 5: Budget Variable Expenses
Step 6: Record Spending Amounts
Step 7: Review Spending and Saving Patterns
Money Management and Achieving Financial Goals
Selecting a Saving Technique
Calculating Savings Amounts
3 Taxes in Your Financial Plan
Taxes in Your Financial Plan
Planning Your Tax Strategy
Types of Tax
The Basics of Federal Income Tax
Step 1: Determining Adjusted Gross Income
Step 2: Computing Taxable Income
Step 3: Calculating Taxes Owed
Step 4: Making Tax Payments
Step 5: Deadlines and Penalties
Filing Your Federal Income Tax Return
Who Must File?
Which Tax Form Should You Use?
Completing the Federal Income Tax Return
How Do I File My State Tax Return?
How Do I File My Taxes Online?
What Tax Assistance Sources Are Available?
Tax Preparation Services
What If Your Return Is Audited?
Tax Planning Strategies
Education Deduction or Tax Credit?
Consumer Purchasing
Investment Decisions
Retirement and Education Plans
Changing Tax Strategies
Flat or VAT Tax?
4 Financial Services: Savings Plans and Payment Accounts
Planning Your Use of Financial Services
Managing Daily Money Needs
Sources of Quick Cash
Types of Financial Services
Online and Mobile Banking
Prepaid Debit Cards
Financial Services and Economic Conditions
Sources of Financial Services
Comparing Financial Institutions
Types of Financial Institutions
Problematic Financial Businesses
Comparing Savings Plans
Regular Savings Accounts
Certificates of Deposit
Interest-Earning Checking Accounts
Money Market Accounts and Funds
U.S. Savings Bonds
Evaluating Savings Plans
Comparing Payment Methods
Digital Payments
Checking Accounts
Evaluating Checking and Payment Accounts
Other Payment Methods
Managing Your Checking Account
5 Consumer Credit: Advantages, Disadvantages, Sources, and Costs
What Is Consumer Credit?
The Importance of Consumer Credit in Our Economy
Uses and Misuses of Credit
Advantages of Credit
Disadvantages of Credit
Summary: Advantages and Disadvantages of Credit
Types of Credit
Closed-End Credit
Open-End Credit
Credit Cards
Sources of Consumer Credit
Applying for Credit
Can You Afford a Loan?
General Rules of Credit Capacity
The Five Cs of Credit
Your Credit Report
Credit Scores
Other Factors Considered in Determining Creditworthiness
What If Your Application Is Denied?
What Can You Do to Improve Your Credit Score?
The Cost of Credit
Finance Charge and Annual Percentage Rate
Tackling the Trade-Offs
Calculating the Cost of Credit
Protecting Your Credit
Billing Errors and Disputes
Identity Crisis: What to Do If Your Identity Is Stolen
Protecting Your Credit from Theft or Loss
Protecting Your Credit Information on the Internet
Cosigning a Loan
Complaining about Consumer Credit
Consumer Credit Protection Laws
Consumer Financial Protection Bureau
Managing Your Debts
Warning Signs of Debt Problems
Debt Collection Practices
Financial Counseling Services
Declaring Personal Bankruptcy
6 Consumer Purchasing Strategies and Wise Buying of Motor Vehicles
Consumer Buying Activities
Practical Purchasing Strategies
Research-Based Buying
Major Consumer Purchases: Buying Motor Vehicles
Phase 1: Preshopping Activities
Phase 2: Evaluating Alternatives
Phase 3: Determining Purchase Price
Phase 4: Postpurchase Activities
Resolving Consumer Complaints
Step 1: Initial Communication
Step 2: Communicate with the Company
Step 3: Consumer Agency Assistance
Step 4: Legal Action
Legal Options for Consumers
Small Claims Court
Class-Action Suits
Using a Lawyer
Other Legal Alternatives
Personal Consumer Protection
7 Selecting and Financing Housing
Evaluating Renting and Buying
Your Lifestyle and Your Choice of Housing
Renting versus Buying Housing
Rental Activities
Home-Buying Activities
Step 1: Determine Home Ownership Needs
Step 2: Find and Evaluate a Home
Step 3: Price the Property
The Finances of Home Buying
Step 4: Obtain Financing
Step 5: Close the Purchase Transaction
Home Buying: A Summary
A Home-Selling Strategy
Preparing Your Home for Selling
Determining the Selling Price
Sale by Owner
Listing with a Real Estate Agent
8 Home and Automobile Insurance
Insurance and Risk Management
What Is Insurance?
Types of Risk
Risk Management Methods
Planning an Insurance Program
Property and Liability Insurance in Your Financial Plan
Home and Property Insurance
Renter’s Insurance
Homeowner’s Insurance Coverages
Home Insurance Policy Forms
Home Insurance Cost Factors
How Much Coverage Do You Need?
Factors That Affect Home Insurance Costs
Automobile Insurance Coverages
Motor Vehicle Bodily Injury Coverages
Motor Vehicle Property Damage Coverage
No-Fault Insurance
Other Automobile Insurance Coverages
Automobile Insurance Costs
Amount of Coverage
Motor Vehicle Insurance Premium Factors
Reducing Vehicle Insurance Premiums
9 Health and Disability Income Insurance
Health Insurance and Financial Planning
What Is Health Insurance?
Health Insurance Coverage
Types of Health Insurance Coverage
Major Provisions in a Health Insurance Policy
Health Insurance Trade-Offs
Coverage Trade-Offs
Which Coverage Should You Choose?
Private Health Care Plans and Government Health Care Programs
Private Health Care Plans
Government Health Care Programs
Health Insurance and the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010
The Affordable Care Act and the Individual Shared Responsibility Provision
The American Health Care Act of 2017
Disability Income Insurance
The Need for Disability Income
Sources of Disability Income
Disability Income Insurance Trade-Offs
Your Disability Income Needs
High Medical Costs
Why Does Health Care Cost So Much?
What Is Being Done about the High Costs of Health Care?
What Can You Do to Reduce Personal Health Care Costs?
10 Financial Planning with Life Insurance
What Is Life Insurance?
The Purpose of Life Insurance
The Principle and Psychology of Life Insurance
How Long Will You Live?
Do You Need Life Insurance?
Estimating Your Life Insurance Requirements
Types of Life Insurance Companies and Policies
Types of Life Insurance Companies
Types of Life Insurance Policies
Selecting Provisions and Buying Life Insurance
Key Provisions in a Life Insurance Policy
Buying Life Insurance
Financial Planning with Annuities
Why Buy Annuities?
Costs of Annuities
Tax Considerations
11 Investing Basics and Evaluating Bonds
Preparing for an Investment Program
Establishing Investment Goals
Performing a Financial Checkup
Getting the Money Needed to Start an Investment Program
How the Time Value of Money Affects Your Investments
Factors Affecting the Choice of Investments
Safety and Risk
Components of the Risk Factor
Investment Liquidity
Factors That Reduce Investment Risk
Asset Allocation and Diversification
Your Role in the Investment Process
Conservative Investment Options: Government Bonds
The Psychology of Investing in Bonds
Government Bonds and Debt Securities
Conservative Investment Options: Corporate Bonds
Why Corporations Sell Corporate Bonds
Why Investors Purchase Corporate Bonds
A Typical Bond Transaction
The Decision to Buy or Sell Bonds
The Internet
Financial Coverage for Bond Transactions
Bond Ratings
Current Yield Calculations
Other Sources of Information
12 Investing in Stocks
Common and Preferred Stock
The Psychology of Stock Investing
Why Corporations Issue Common Stock
Why Investors Purchase Common Stock
Preferred Stock
Evaluating a Stock Issue
The Internet
Stock Advisory Services
Newspaper Coverage and Corporate News
Numerical Measures That Influence Investment Decisions
Why Corporate Earnings Are Important
Dividend Yield and Total Return
Other Factors That Influence the Price of a Stock
Making a Decision to Buy, Hold, or Sell a Stock—A Summary
Buying and Selling Stocks
Secondary Markets for Stocks
Brokerage Firms and Account Executives
Should You Use a Full-Service or a Discount Brokerage Firm?
Sample Stock Transactions
Commission Charges
Long-Term and Short-Term Investment Strategies
Long-Term Techniques
Short-Term Techniques
13 Investing in Mutual Funds
Why Investors Purchase Mutual Funds
The Psychology of Investing in Funds
Characteristics of Funds
Classifications of Mutual Funds
Stock Funds
Bond Funds
Other Funds
The Benefits of Portfolio Construction
Choosing the Right Fund for a Retirement Account
How to Make a Decision to Buy or Sell Mutual Funds
Managed Funds versus Index Funds
The Internet
Professional Advisory Services
The Mutual Fund Prospectus and Annual Report
Financial Publications and Newspapers
The Mechanics of a Mutual Fund Transaction
Return on Investment
Taxes and Mutual Funds
Purchase Options
Withdrawal Options
14 Starting Early: Retirement and Estate Planning
Planning for Retirement: Start Early
Why Is It Important Now?
Saving Smart for Retirement: Even a Little Goes a Long Way
Conducting a Financial Analysis
Estimating Retirement Living Expenses
Your Retirement Income
Employer Pension Plans
Public Pension Plans
Personal Retirement Plans
Living on Your Retirement Income
Estate Planning
The Importance of Estate Planning
What Is Estate Planning?
Legal Documents
Legal Aspects of Estate Planning
Types of Wills
Formats of Wills
Writing Your Will
A Living Will
Types of Trusts
Taxes and Estate Planning
A Education Financing, Loans, and Scholarships
B Developing a Career Search Strategy
C Consumer Agencies and Organizations
D Daily Spending Diary
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