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Imperial Library
Front Cover
Title Page
List of Abbreviations
Chapter 1: Introduction
Issues and events as viewed through Māori eyes
Approach based on He Whakaputanga and Te Tiriti
The underlying problem of racism in New Zealand
Reoccurring issues and themes
The Waitangi Tribunal
The fiscal envelope – side-stepping the Tribunal to extinguish Treaty claims
The fisheries allocation debacle
Racism and Pākehā media
International criticism of government treatment of Māori
Loss of key leaders
Bright spots
Added references
Chapter 2: 1994–95 – The Year of the Fiscal Envelope
Sealord deal controversy – settling fisheries claims by removing rights
Māori electoral option – government reluctance to ensure Māori participation
The fiscal envelope debacle – unilaterally determined government policy on extinguishing Māori Treaty of Waitangi claims and rights
Māori reaction to the fiscal envelope – initial silence at the magnitude of the insult followed by firm, repeated and unanimous rejection
Waikato-Tainui Settlement – Crown-determined and a dangerous precedent
Attempts to repeat Waikato-Tainui in Te Hiku o te Ika create uproar
A bright spot – Whale Watch Kaikoura wins international acclaim
Chapter 3: 1995–96
The Taranaki Report – laying bare 155 years of Crown atrocities
The Hīrangi hui – strategising for constitutional change through decolonisation and scrutinising Māori leadership qualities
Challenges to Crown-appointed Māori leaders
Nelson Mandela visits and criticises the government’s racist attitude
Arson at Takahue
… And at Taumaranui
Minister of Conservation steps in on Whanganui problems
Ngāi Tahu claims settlement negotiations recommence in the face of damaging litigation
Negotiations abandoned in Te Hiku o te Ika
Chapter 4: 1996–97
Māori success in the first MMP election …
… Encourages racist backlash
Māori MPs as fodder for racism in the media and the House
Attacks on the pilot Aotearoa Television Network and Tuku Morgan
And what of the media coverage of scandals in high places in the Pākehā community?
Some victories in the courts and the Waitangi Tribunal
The Muriwhenua Land Report breaks new ground by considering Māori understandings of land transactions
A bright spot – Philip Tataurangi wins the Australian PGA Championship
Chapter 5: 1997–98
Great sadness at the passing of leaders
Sir Hepi Te Heuheu
Tuaiwa (Eva) Rickard
Matiu Rata
Fisheries allocation has now been in the courts for five years
Treaty land claims settlements – Whakatōhea fails, Ngāi Tahu reaches agreement
Customary fisheries negotiations fail
Chapter 6: 1998–99
Collapse of National-New Zealand First coalition weakens Māori input into government
The Hīkoi of Hope – a huge protest march against poverty
Politicians bicker after floods ravage impoverished Māori communities
The Waitangi Tribunal defies the government and …
1) … Uses its powers to make binding recommendations
2) … Finds that Māori own rivers
3) … Condemns the Crown for denying Māori access to the radio spectrum
Tainui successfully injuncts the Crown over Electrocorp
And the fisheries allocation debacle continues …
Chapter 7: 1999–2000
Māori return to Labour – for now …
Dover Samuels, Minister of Māori Affairs for a short six months
Can the PM’s Cabinet Committee on Closing the Gaps really bring government departments to account for Māori deprivation and poverty?
PM’s choice for Hauraki electorate easy target for right-wing ACT Party
Rest of the Māori in Parliament keep their heads down
Police shoot young Māori student – was it racially motivated?
A new Treaty Minister, a slightly different approach – but no real change
Ngāi Tahu settlement seems OK
Tainui – not so good
And the fisheries allocation debacle grinds on …
As does the radio spectrum row …
At long last, a constitutional debate opens – only to be closed down immediately
Chapter 8: 2000–01
Postcolonial Traumatic Stress Disorder, Māori poverty and violent offending
… And the Prime Minister bans the H-word – Holocaust …
… So other Māori MPs duck for cover – except for Dover and Sandra …
… But the government still abandons the ‘Closing the Gaps’ policy
Prime Minister under fire from Māori
Lack of governance and administrative expertise causing concern but no media scrutiny …
… Except for Tainui
Sir Robert Mahuta
Much more respectful coverage of Pākehā commercial disasters
Successful Māori settlements overlooked by the media
Treaty of Waitangi Fisheries Commission commercially successful but the fisheries allocation debacle continues …
Waitangi Tribunal celebrates its twenty-fifth birthday but still struggles with government indifference to its funding, findings and recommendations
Pouakani, Ngāti Ruanui, Te Uri o Hau
Māori opposition to genetic engineering
A breakthrough in local government – Māori representation on Bay of Plenty Regional Council
Chapter 9: 2001–02
Supporting Māori sovereignty is politically unsafe
Local councils, not Māori, left to decide if Māori representation allowed
Māori views on Māori sovereignty … in the New Zealand Herald!
Mainstream media Māori bashing
So why is the Treaty claims settlement process so chronically slow?
Kidnapping of baby Kahurautete Durie
World Trade Center bombing – Māori perspectives
New Zealand Herald turns its sights on Māori Television
Tariana Turia not afraid to take on mainstream media
Te Tangata Whai Rawa o Wēneti: The Māori Merchant of Venice, a stunning performance
MAI FM tops the ratings
Prime Minister apologises to Chinese and to Samoans – but not to Māori
And there’s heaps to apologise for
Attacks on Māori make MPs of Māori descent reluctant to publicly support their own
July general election sees a record twenty MPs of Māori descent in Parliament
Chapter 10: 2002–03 – The Year the Crown Declared War over the Foreshore and Seabed
Record number of Māori MPs but only two in cabinet …
… And only two outspoken in their support of Māori
National Party attacking Māori from every possible angle
Māori objections to replacement of Privy Council ignored
Media attacks on Māori Television finally halted
Bullyboy tactics employed in the continuing fisheries allocation debacle
Local Government Act stripped of the ability to ensure Māori participation
Mainstream media discrimination against Māori MPs continues
New Zealand Herald columnist attacks mainstream media Māori bashing
Whale Rider attracts critical acclaim
Two Treaty settlements this year
Government angry at Tribunal for its findings in favour of Māori for petroleum …
… And the Court of Appeal for doing the same for the foreshore and seabed …
… So Crown proposes confiscation of Māori land in the foreshore and seabed on a massive scale
Government clashes with Māori over aquaculture
Chapter 11: 2003–04 – The Year of the Battle for the Foreshore and Seabed
Māori react very strongly to government announcement of proposed confiscation of foreshore and seabed
Māori opposition highly organised – government steps up anti-Māori propaganda campaign – Tariana Turia resigns
Government refuses to listen to Māori and continues pushing through legislation
Court of Appeal’s decision in Malborough case upholds Māori rights
Foreshore and seabed legislation removes Māori rights while preserving non-Māori rights – a declaration of war
Reality of Māori marginalisation – Māori MPs bow to Labour pressure and betray their constituents
Pākehā racism unashamedly displayed
National Party leader exploits racism – Brash’s Ōrewa speech
National Party Māori bashing gives government excuse to cut funding for Māori programmes
Māori Television, now finally launched, helps in the battle against foreshore and seabed legislation
A national Māori collective to fight the foreshore and seabed legislation – Te Ope Mana a Tai
Waitangi Tribunal upholds country-wide claims against foreshore and seabed policy …
… And the government ignores the Tribunal, yet again …
… And the Prime Minister breaks even more fundamental constitutional rules and attacks a Māori judge
Last resort: a 50,000-strong protest march – the Hīkoi
Prime Minister calls marchers ‘haters and wreckers’ and says she prefers the company of sheep
Chapter 12: 2004–06
Legislative confiscation of the foreshore and seabed continues to gnaw at Māori and the country
Attorney-General admits Foreshore and Seabed Act discriminates against Māori but …
United Nations CERD criticises Foreshore and Seabed Act
Damning Report of United Nations Special Rapporteur a wake-up call for New Zealand government
On the Foreshore and Seabed Act
On constitutional issues
On human rights and the Waitangi Tribunal
On Treaty settlements
On education
On culture
On social policy
On international indigenous rights
On civil society
Māori welcome report as blueprint for reinstating Māori rights – government condemns it then ignores it
On the existence of so-called Māori privilege – ‘he had not been presented with any evidence to that effect’
Māori tertiary education institutions under attack – for being too successful
Looking for the bright spots – the Māori Party
Māori Party wipes out the Māori MP stereotype
Michael Campbell, Ngāti Ruanui and Ngā Rauru – golf champion extraordinaire
Robert Hewitt – miraculous survival with the help of his ancestors
Peter Loughlin, Ngāti Tūwharetoa – fashion designer par excellence
Chapter 13: 2006–07
More great sadness at passing of leaders
Dame Te Ātairangikaahu
Emeritus Professor Sir Hugh Kāwharu
Don Selwyn
Māori-government tensions persist; Māori protest continues but with more effective support
Treaty of Waitangi claims ongoing source of tension
The loathed fiscal envelope settlement policy remains to extinguish Māori Treaty claims
Yet settlements are proceeding nevertheless
Ngāti Mutunga Settlement Act
Te Rōroa Claims Settlement Bill
Ngāti Whātua ki Ōrākei Agreement in Principle
Te Arawa Lakes Settlement Act
Central North Island forest settlements run into major problems as the Crown makes itself a beneficiary of the settlement
Ngāti Kahu gives up on the settlement process and repossesses its lands
Chapter 14: 2007–08 – The Year of Contrasts: Terror Raids and a Courageous New Treaty Settlements Minister
Terror raids on Tūhoe
Raids a chilling reminder of previous government invasions of Tūhoe
Raids a disguise for a fishing expedition?
Prime Minister and Commissioner of Police violate rules of sub judice; Solicitor-General refuses to allow prosecution for terrorism; evidence leaked to unscrupulous media
Māori Party comes to defence of Tūhoe; UN asks for an explanation
New Zealand votes against the Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples
Waitangi Tribunal criticises government Treaty settlement policy – yet again
Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance becomes Treaty settlements Minister
Mauao returned to its rightful owners – but not really
Government abandons its settlement policy to reach agreement on settling Ngāti Kahu’s claims
Loss of several Māori icons
Syd Jackson
Archbishop Whakahuihui Vercoe
Hone Tūwhare
Barry Barclay
Commemorations for thirty-year anniversaries of Raglan and Takaparawhau
Commemorations at Waitangi peaceful yet again
Victoria Cross awarded to Corporal Willie Apiata
Chapter 15: 2008–09 – A Year of More Good News than Bad
Māori Party wins five seats and receives mandate to become part of the government
Agreement between Māori Party and National covers major issues for Māori
Two Māori Party ministers
Prime Minister agrees to Māori flag but not to Māori seats on Auckland super city
Treaty claims settlements proceed apace …
Taranaki Whānui ki Te Upoko o Te Ika Deed of Settlement
Ātihau-Whanganui Incorporation Agreement
Waikato River Deed of Settlement
Ngāti Kahu Agreement in Principle
Hauraki and South Island Commercial Aquaculture Settlement
Ngāti Porou Agreement
Reminder for the Prime Minister that settlements still unjust and unfair
Appendix 1: The Declaration of Independence 1835
Appendix 2: The Treaty of Waitangi 1840
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