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Learning Go Programming
Learning Go Programming
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1. A First Step in Go
The Go programming language
Playing with Go
No IDE required
Installing Go
Source code examples
Your first Go program
Go in a nutshell
The workspace
Strongly typed
Composite types
The named type
Methods and objects
Concurrency and channels
Memory management and safety
Fast compilation
Testing and code coverage
An extensive library
The Go Toolchain
2. Go Language Essentials
The Go source file
Optional semicolon
Multiple lines
Go identifiers
The blank identifier
Muting package imports
Muting unwanted function results
Built-in identifiers
Go variables
Variable declaration
The zero-value
Initialized declaration
Omitting variable types
Short variable declaration
Restrictions for short variable declaration
Variable scope and visibility
Variable declaration block
Go constants
Constant literals
Typed constants
Untyped constants
Assigning untyped constants
Constant declaration block
Constant enumeration
Overriding the default enumeration type
Using iota in expressions
Skipping enumerated values
Go operators
Arithmetic operators
The increment and decrement operators
Go assignment operators
Bitwise operators
Logical Operators
Comparison operators
Operator precedence
3. Go Control Flow
The if statement
The if statement initialization
Switch statements
Using expression switches
The fallthrough cases
Expressionless switches
Switch initializer
Type switches
The for statements
For condition
Infinite loop
The traditional for statement
The for range
The break, continue, and goto statements
The label identifier
The break statement
The continue statement
The goto statement
4. Data Types
Go types
Numeric types
Unsigned integer types
Signed integer types
Floating point types
Complex number types
Numeric literals
Boolean type
Rune and string types
The rune
The string
Interpreted and raw string literals
The pointer type
The address operator
The new() function
Pointer indirection - accessing referenced values
Type declaration
Type conversion
5. Functions in Go
Go functions
Function declaration
The function type
Variadic parameters
Function result parameters
Named result parameters
Passing parameter values
Achieving pass-by-reference
Anonymous Functions and Closures
Invoking anonymous function literals
Higher-order functions
Error signaling and handling
Signaling errors
Error handling
The error type
Deferring function calls
Using defer
Function panic and recovery
Function panic
Function panic recovery
6. Go Packages and Programs
The Go package
Understanding the Go package
The workspace
Creating a workspace
The import path
Creating packages
Declaring the package
Multi-File packages
Naming packages
Use globally unique namespaces
Add context to path
Use short names
Building packages
Installing a package
Package visibility
Package member visibility
Importing package
Specifying package identifiers
The dot identifier
The blank identifier
Package initialization
Creating programs
Accessing program arguments
Building and installing programs
Remote packages
7. Composite Types
The array type
Array initialization
Declaring named array types
Using arrays
Array length and capacity
Array traversal
Array as parameters
The slice type
Slice initialization
Slice representation
Slicing a slice
Slicing an array
Slice expressions with capacity
Making a slice
Using slices
Slices as parameters
Length and capacity
Appending to slices
Copying slices
Strings as slices
The map type
Map initialization
Making Maps
Using maps
Map traversal
Map functions
Maps as parameters
The struct type
Accessing struct fields
Struct initialization
Declaring named struct types
The anonymous field
Promoted fields
Structs as parameters
Field tags
8. Methods, Interfaces, and Objects
Go methods
Value and pointer receivers
Objects in Go
The struct as object
Object composition
Field and method promotion
The constructor function
The interface type
Implementing an interface
Subtyping with Go interfaces
Implementing multiple interfaces
Interface embedding
The empty interface type
Type assertion
9. Concurrency
The go statement
Goroutine scheduling
The Channel type
The send and receive operations
Unbuffered channel
Buffered channel
Unidirectional channels
Channel length and capacity
Closing a channel
Writing concurrent programs
Streaming data
Using for…range to receive data
Generator functions
Selecting from multiple channels
Channel timeout
The sync package
Synchronizing with mutex locks
Synchronizing access to composite values
Concurrency barriers with sync.WaitGroup
Detecting race conditions
Parallelism in Go
10. Data IO in Go
IO with readers and writers
The io.Reader interface
Chaining readers
The io.Writer interface
Working with the io package
Working with files
Creating and opening files
Function os.OpenFile
Files writing and reading
Standard input, output, and error
Formatted IO with fmt
Printing to io.Writer interfaces
Printing to standard output
Reading from io.Reader
Reading from standard input
Buffered IO
Buffered writers and readers
Scanning the buffer
In-memory IO
Encoding and decoding data
Binary encoding with gob
Encoding data as JSON
Controlling JSON mapping with struct tags
Custom encoding and decoding
11. Writing Networked Services
The net package
The net.Conn Type
Dialing a connection
Listening for incoming connections
Accepting client connections
A TCP API server
Connecting to the TCP server with telnet
Connecting to the TCP server with Go
The HTTP package
The http.Client type
Configuring the client
Handling client requests and responses
A simple HTTP server
The default server
Routing requests with http.ServeMux
The default ServeMux
A JSON API server
Testing the API server with cURL
An API server client in Go
A JavaScript API server client
12. Code Testing
The Go test tool
Test file names
Test organization
Writing Go tests
The test functions
Running the tests
Filtering executed tests
Test logging
Reporting failure
Skipping tests
Table-driven tests
HTTP testing
Testing HTTP server code
Testing HTTP client code
Test coverage
The cover tool
Code benchmark
Running the benchmark
Skipping test functions
The benchmark report
Adjusting N
Comparative benchmarks
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