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Imperial Library
1. History, Theory, and Philosophy
1. Towards a Philosophy of Lifelong Learning
2. The Changing University, Lifelong Learning, and Personal Fulfilment
3. Lifelong Learning: A Language Game in Search of Its Rules
4. Organisational Contexts for Lifelong Learning: Individual and Collective Learning Configurations
5. Democratic Inclusion and Lifelong Learning in a Globalising World
6. On Learning and Cosmopolitanism in Education
7. It Is the Person Who Learns
8. Of Maestros and Muscles: Expertise and Practices at Work
9. Continuing Professional Development and the Triadic Conception of Lifelong Learning
10. Lifelong Education: Some Deweyan Themes
11. Lifelong Learning: A Post-human Condition?
12. Reflections on a Definition: Revisiting the Meaning of Learning
13. Egalitarian Policy Formulation in Lifelong Learning: Two Models of Lifelong Education and Social Justice for Young People in Europe
14. Focusing on the Heart: Lifelong, Life-Wide and Life-Deep Learning in the Time of HIV and AIDS
15. Lifelong Learning, Mindfulness and the Affective Domain of Education
16. Coming to Terms with the Learning Society: Between Autobiography and Politics
2. The Policy Challenge
17. Life Chances, Learning and the Dynamics of Risk in the Life Course
18. Lifelong Learning and Life-Wide Work in Precarious Times: Reversing Policy-Making Optics
19. Liquidation of Labour Markets and Adult Education in China
20. Three Translations Revisited: Lifelong Learning in Singapore
21. Lifelong Learning: Innovation, Policy and Institutions
22. Higher Education and Lifelong Learning: Renewing the Educational and Social Mission of Universities in Europe
23. The Institutionalisation of Lifelong Learning in Australia, Hong Kong and the United States: A Bridge to the Community or a Competitor to the University?
24. Perspectives on Lifelong Learning in Africa
25. Lifelong Learning and the Teaching Occupation: Tracking Policy Effects of Governing Ideas on Occupational(Re)Ordering
26. Transformative Environmental Education Within Social Justice Models: Lessons from Comparing Adult Ecopedagogy Within North and South America
27. Current Trends in Lifelong Learning in the Russian Federation: Current Developments
28. Regulating the Professionals: Critical Perspectives on Learning in Continuing Professional Development Frameworks
3. Programmes and Practices
29. Lifelong Learning in OECD and Developing Countries: An Interpretation and Assessment
30. No Royal Road: Mapping the Curriculum for Lifelong Learning
31. Schools and Lifelong Learning: The Importance of Schools as Core Centres for Learning in the Community
32. Schools and the Foundation for Lifelong Learning
33. The Learning Journey: Lifelong Professional Learning for Leaders in Faith-Based Schools
34. Lifelong Learning as a Reference Framework for Technical and Further Education
35. Libraries, Literacies and Lifelong Learning: The Practices Within Higher Education Institutions
36. Lifelong Learning: How Far Have We Come?
37. Acquiring Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities Across a Lifetime by Transferring to One’s Own Practice
38. The Contribution of the Adult Community Education Sector in Australia to Lifelong Learning
39. Lifelong or Longlife? Learning in the Later Years
40. Lifelong Learning to Revitalize Community Case Studies of Citizens’ Learning Initiatives in Japan
41. Learning Cities and Learning Regions: Helping to Make the World a Better Place
4. A Critical Stocktaking
42. Lifelong Learning as a Flag of Convenience
43. Lifelong Learning, Contemporary Capitalism and Postmodernity: A Selected Reading
44. The Economic Context of Lifelong Learning
45. Lifelong Learning as a Policy Process: A Case Study from Australia
46. Informal Learning: A Vital Component of Lifelong Learning
47. A Critical Approach to Work: The Contribution of Work-Based Learning to Lifelong Learning
48. ‘Really Useful Knowledge’ or ‘Merely Useful’ Lifelong Learning?
49. The Interplay Between Lifelong Learning and Vocational Education and Training
50. Networking and Partnerships: Another Road to Lifelong Learning
51. Universities, New Technologies and Lifelong Learning
52. The Impact of Lifelong Learning on Organizations
53. The Impact of Lifelong Learning on Communities
54. Is Lifelong Learning Making a Difference? Research-Based Evidence on the Impact of Adult Learning
55. Transformation or Accommodation? A Re-assessment of Lifelong Learning
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