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Imperial Library
Part I: The Controversy
1. Introduction: The Controversy
2. Deism Defined: Shades of Meaning, Shading the Truth
3. Did Washington Avoid the Name of Jesus Christ?: Addressing a Fundamental Argument
Part II: The Historical Background of George Washington
4. Washington’s Virginia and The Anglican Mission to the Indians
5. George Washington’s Virginian Ancestors
Part III: The Life of George Washington
6. The Childhood of George Washington
7. The Christian Education of George Washington
8. The Personality of George Washington
9. George Washington the Soldier
10. George Washington on Character and Honor
11. The Sacred Fire of Liberty: Was George Washington a Godly Leader?
12. George Washington’s Family Life
Part IV: George Washington The Churchman
13. George Washington: The Parishioner
14. George Washington: The Vestryman
15. George Washington: The Low Churchman
16. George Washington and the Bible
17. The Spirituality of George Washington
18. George Washington and Prayer
19. Valley Forge: The Crucible of Washington’s “Sacred Cause”
Part V: The Debate Over George Washington and Communion
20. George Washington and Communion: Did Washington Take Communion?
21. Shadow or Substance?: Putting Professor Boller’s Evidence for Washington’s Deism on Trial
22. The Struggle for the Episcopal Church: Washington’s Non-Communication and Non-Communion in Philadelphia
Part VI: George Washington The Deist?
23. George Washington and The Enlightenment
24. George Washington and Religious Liberty: A Christian or Deist Idea?
25. George Washington, Member of the Masonic Order
26. More Objections to Washington the Christian: Slaves, Slander, Passion, and Tripoli
27. “Minds of Peculiar Structure:” George Washington Vs.Deism
Part VII: George Washington The Christian
28. George Washington’s God: Religion, Reason, and Philosophy
29. Washington and the Doctrine of Providence
30. George Washington’s Christian Worldview
31. The Gospel According to George Washington
32. George Washington and Forgiveness: A Consideration of the Historicity of Two Classic Washington Anecdotes on Forgiveness
33. George Washington’s Clergy and Their Sermons
34. George Washington on Heaven and Eternal Life
35. The Revenge of Parson Weems: Washington’s Unparalleled Praise for an Unexpected Person
36. Conclusion: George Washington’s Sacred Fire
Appendix 1: The Rules of Civility and Decent Behaviour in Company and Conversion
Appendix 2: Representative Biblical Quotations and Allusions Used by George Washington
Appendix 3: George Washington’s Written Prayers
Appendix 4: George Washington’s “Daily Sacrifice Prayers” or “The Spurious Prayers”
Appendix 5: A Summary of Washington’s Most Important Sermons
Appendix 6: Abiel Leonard’s Prayer
Appendix 7: Sermon by the Reverend Bryan Lord Fairfax
Appendix 8: The Wisdom of George Washington
Appendix 9: George Washington and the Anglican Theology of Latitudinarianism
Appendix 10: Tributes to Washington by his Contemporaries: His Christian Faith, Striking Appearance, and Moral Character
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