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Imperial Library
Half Title
Title Page
Copyright Page
General Editor’s Preface
Table of Contents
Note on the Text
The Voyage Out (1915)
1 Unsigned review in Times Literary Supplement, April 1915
2 Unsigned review in Observer, April 1915
3 Unsigned review in Morning Post, April 1915
4 E. M. FORSTER, review in Daily News and Leader, April 1915
5 GBRALD GOULD, review in New Statesman, April 1915
6 A. N. M., review in Manchester Guardian, April 1915
7 Unsigned review in Athenaeum, May 1915
8 Unsigned review in Nation, May 1915
9 W. H. HUDSON, letter to Edward Garnett, June 1915
10 Unsigned review in Spectator, July 1915
11 LYTTON STRACHBY, letter to Virginia Woolf, February 1916
12 VIRGINIA WOOLP, reply to Strachey, February 1916
‘Kew Gardens’ (1919)
13 Unsigned review in Times Literary Supplement, May 1919
14 E. M. FORSTER, review in Daily News, July 1919
15 ROGER FRY, article in Athenaeum, August 1919
Night and Day (1919)
16 FORD MADOX HUEFFER, article in Piccadilly Review, October 1919
17 Unsigned review in Times Literary Supplement, October 1919
18 KATHERINE MANSFIELD, review in Athenaeum, November 1919
19 W. L. GEORGE, article in English Review, March 1920
20 R. M. UNDERHILL, review in Bookman (New York), August 1920
Monday or Tuesday (1921)
21 Unsigned review in Times Literary Supplement, April 1921
22 DESMOND MACCARTHY, review in New Statesman, April 1921
23 Unsigned review in Dial (New York), February 1922
Jacob’s Room (1922)
24 LYTTON STRACHEY, letter to Virginia Woolf, October 1922
25 VIRGINIA WOOLF, reply to Strachey, October 1922
26 Unsigned review in Times Literary Supplement, October 1922
27 LEWIS BETTANY, review in Daily News, October 1922
28 Unsigned review in Pall Mall Gazette, October 1922
29 REBECCA WEST, review in New Statesman, November 1922
30 W. L. COURTNEY, review in Daily Telegraph, November 1922
31 GERALD GOULD, review in Saturday Review, November 1922
32 Unsigned review in Yorkshire Post, November 1922
33 Unsigned review in New Age, December 1922
34 MIDDLETON MURRY, article in Nation and Athenaeum, March 1923
35 MAXWELL BODENHEIM, review in Nation (New York) March 1923
36 ARNOLD BENNETT, article in Cassell’s Weekly, March 1923
‘Mr Bennett and Mrs Brown’ (First Version) (1923)
37 VIRGINIA WOOLF, article in Nation and Athenaeum, December 1923
38 J. D. BERESFORD, article in Nation and Athenaeum, December 1923
39 LOGAN PEARSALL SMITH, article in Nation and Athenaeum, February 1924
‘Character in Fiction’ (1924)
40 FRANK SWINNERTON, review in Bookman (New York), October 1924
‘Mr Bennett and Mrs Brown’ (Second Version) (1924)
41 BDWIN MUIR, review in Nation and Athenaeum, December 1924
42 ‘FEIRON MORRIS’, (MRS T. S. ELIOT), review in Criterion, January 1925
43 CLIVE BELL, article in Dial, December 1924
The Common Reader (First Series), 1925
44 Unsigned review in Times Literary Supplement, May 1925
45 H. I’A. FAUSSET, review in Manchester Guardian, May 1925
46 EDGELL RICKWORD, initialled review in Calendar, July 1925
47 H. P. COLLINS, review in Criterion, July 1925
Mrs Dalloway (1925)
48 RICHARD HUGHES, review in Saturday Review of Literature (New York), May 1925
49 Unsigned review in Times Literary Supplement, May 1925
50 GERALD BULLETT, review in Saturday Review, May 1925
51 P. C. KENNEDY, review in New Statesman, June 1925
52 LYTTON STRACHEY, criticisms, June 1925
53 J. F. HOLMS, review in Calendar of Modem Letters, July 1925
54 E. M. FORSTER, article in New Criterion, April 1926
55 BDWIN MUIR, article in Nation and Athenaeum, April 1926
56 DUDLEY CAREW, article in London Mercury, May 1926
57 B. W. HAWKINS, article in Atlantic Monthly, September 1926
58 ARNOLDBENNETT, article in Evening Standard, December 1926
59 T. S. ELIOT, article in Nouvelle Revue Française, May 1927
To the Lighthouse (1927)
60 Unsigned review in Times Literary Supplement, May 1927
61 LOUIS KRONENBERGER, review in New York Times, May 1927
62 RACHEL A. TAYLOR, review in Spectator, May 1927
63 ARNOLD BENNETT, review in Evening Standard, June 1927
64 ORLO WILLIAMS, review in Monthly Criterion, July 1927
65 CONRAD AIKEN, review in Dial (Chicago), July 1927
66 EDWIN MUIR, review in Nation and Athenaeum, July 1927
67 E. M. FORSTER in Aspects of the Novel, 1927
68 J. E. BLANCHE article in Les Nouvelles Littéraires, August 1927
69 JEAN-JACQUES MAYOUX, review in Revue Anglo-Americaine (Paris), June 1928
Orlando (1928)
70 DESMOND MACCARTHY, review in Sunday Times, October 1928
71 J. C. SQUIRE, review in Observer, October 1928
72 CLEVELAND B. CHASE, review in New York Times, October 1928
73 ARNOLD BENNETT on Virginia Woolf
(a) Review in Evening Standard, November 1928
(b) Comment in Realist, April 1929
74 CONRAD AIKEN, review in Dial (Chicago), February 1929
75 HELEN MACAFEE, initialled review in Yale Review, 1929
76 RAYMOND MORTIMER, article in Bookman (New York), February 1929
77 STORM JAMESON, article in Bookman (New York), July 1929
78 From The Voyage Out to Orlando: two French surveys
(a) JEAN-JACQUES MAYOUX, in Revue Anglo-Americaine (Paris), April 1930
(b) PAUL DOTTIN, in Revue de France (Paris), April 1930
A Room One’s Own (1929)
79 Unsigned review in Times Literary Supplement, October 1929
80 V. SACKVILLE-WEST, review in Listener, November 1929
81 ARNOLD BENNETT, review in Evening Standard, November 1929
82 M. E. KELSEY, article in Sewanee Review, October–December 1931
The Waves (1931)
83 Unsigned review in Times Literary Supplement, October 1931
84 HAROLD NICOLSON, review in Action, October 1931
85 FRANK SWINNERTON, review in Evening News, October 1931
86 GERALD BULLETT, review in New Statesman and Nation, October 1931
87 G. LOWBS DICKINSON, letter to Virginia Woolf, October 1931
88 L. P. HARTLEY, review in Week-end Review, October 1931
89 LOUIS KRONENBERGER, review in New York Times Book Review, October 1931
90 STORM JAMESON, review in Fortnightly Review, November 1931
91 Two opposing American views
(a) ROBERT HERRICK, review in Saturday Review of Literature (New York), December 1931
(b) EARL DANIELS, Saturday Review of Literature (New York), December 1931
92 Unsigned review, in San Francisco Chronicle, December 1931
93 GERALD SYKES, review in Nation (New York), December 1931
94 EDWIN MUIR, review in Bookman (New York), December 1931
95 GAERIEL MARCEL, review in Nouvelle Revue Française (Paris), February 1932
96 FLORIS DELATTRE, on Virginia Woolf and Bergson, Revue Anglo-Americaine, December 1931
97 Two scrutinies
(b) M. C. BRADBSOOK, Scrutiny, May 1932
98 WILLIAM TROY, article in Symposium (Concord, New Hampshire), January–March, April–June, 1932
99 SALVATORE ROSATI, article, Nuova Antologia (Rome), December 1933
Flush (1933)
100 PETER BURRA, review article, in Nineteenth Century, January 1934
101 MAUD BODKIN, in Archetypal Patterns in Poetry, 1934
102 An enemy: Wyndham Lewis
(a) WYNDHAM LEWIS, from Men Without Art, 1934
(b) STEPHEN SPENDER, review of Lewis, Spectator, October 1934
(c) WYNDHAM LEWIS, reply to Spender, Spectator, November 1934
103 The artist and politics
(a) R. D. CHARQUES, 1933
104 FRANK SWINNERTON, in The Georgian Literary Scene, 1935
105 Feminine fiction: two contrasting views
(a) P. B. MILLETT in Cornhill Magazine, February 1937
(b) HERBERT MULLER in Saturday Review of Literature (New York), February 1937
The Years (1937)
106 THEODORA BOSANQUET, review in Time and Tide, March 1937
107 Unsigned review in Times Literary Supplement, March 1937
108 BASIL DE SELINCOURT, review in Observer, March 1937
109 HOWARD SPRING, review in Evening Standard, March 1937
110 RICHARD CHURCH, review in John O’London’s Weekly, March 1937
111 DAVID GARNETT, review in New Statesman and Nation, March 1937
112 EDWIN MUIR, review in Listener, March 1937
113 PAMELA HANSFORD JOHNSON, review in English Review, April 1937
114 PETER MONRO JACK, review in New York Times, 1937
115 WILLIAM TROY, review in Nation (New York), April 1937
116 W. H. MELLERS, review in Scrutiny, June 1937
Three Guineas (1938)
117 Unsigned review in Times Literary Supplement, June 1938
118 THEODORA BOSANQUBT, review Time and Tide, June 1938
119 BASIL DE SELINCOURT, review in Observer, June 1938
120 K. JOHN, review in New Statesman and Nation, June 1938
121 GRAHAM GREENE, review in Spectator, June 1938
122 Q. D. LEAVIS, review in Scrutiny, September 1938
Roger Fry (1940)
123 HERBERT READ, review in Spectator, August 1940
124 E. M. FORSTER, review in New Statesman and Nation, August 1940
Obituary notices
125 STEPHEN SPENDER, in Listener, April 1941
126 T. S. ELIOT, in Horizon, May 1941
127 HUGH WALPOLE, in New Statesman and Nation, June 1941
Between the Acts (1941)
128 DAVID CECIL, review in Spectator, July 1941
129 Unsigned review in Times Literary Supplement, July 1941
130 FRANK SWINNBRTON, review in Observer, July 1941
131 BDWIN MUIR, review in Listener, July 1941
132 HUDSON STRODE, review, New York Times, October 1941
133 MALCOLM COWLEY, review in New Republic (New York), October 1941
134 LOUIS KRONENBERGER, review in Nation (New York), October 1941
135 B. G. BROOKS, review article, Nineteenth Century, December 1941
Select Bibliography
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