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Imperial Library
List of Contributors
List of Illustrations
The Historical Chronology of the Hasmonean Period in the War and Antiquities of Flavius Josephus: Separating Fact from Fiction
Socio-economic Hierarchy and its Economic Foundations in First Century Galilee: The Evidence from Yodefat and Gamla
Le Système Sacrificiel de Flavius Josèphe au Livre III des Antiquitès Juives (Ant. 3.224–236)
Between Fact and Fiction: Josephus’ Account of the Destruction of the Temple
Flavius Josephus in Rome
Bemerkungen zum Aufstand des Judas Galilaeus sowie zum Biblischen Bilderverbot bei Josephus, Hippolyt und Pseudo-Hieronymus
Reconstructing Exodus Tradition: Moses in the Second Book of Josephus’ Antiquities
Unity and Chronology in the Jewish Antiquities
Polybius and Josephus on Rome
Convenient Fiction or Causal Factor? The Questioning of Jewish Antiquity according to Against Apion 1.2
Where is the Temple Site of Onias IV in Egypt?
Constructing Herod as a Tyrant: Assessing Josephus’ Parallel Passages
Josephus at Jotapata: Why Josephus Wrote What He Wrote
Josephus on Herod’s Spring from the Shadows of the Parthian Invasion
Josephus on Poisoning and Magic Cures or, On the Meaning of Pharmakon
Josephus and Discrepant Sources
Josephus, the Τemple, and the Jewish War
The Purposes and Functions of the Synagogue in Late Second Temple Period Judaea: Evidence from Josephus and Archaeological Investigation
Propaganda, Fiktion und Symbolik: die Bedeutung des Jerusalemer Tempels im Werk des Josephus
Josephus, Catullus, Divine Providence, and the Date of the Judean War
Josephus the Stage Manager at the Service of Josephus the Dramatist: Masada as Test Case
Josephus and Justus: The Place of Chapter 65 (336–367) in Life, the Autobiography of Flavius Josephus
A Jewish Priest in Rome
“To be or not to be . . .” An Historical Interpretation of 2 Kings 17 in Josephus’ Antiquities
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