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Imperial Library
Preface The Editors
The Africana Bible-A Rationale Hugh R. Page Jr.
The African Diaspora as Construct and Lived Experience Leslie R. James
African and African Diasporan Hermeneutics Randall C. Bailey, Cheryl Kirk-Duggan, Madipoane Masenya
The Bible in Twenty-First-Century Africa David Tuesday Adamo
Women, Africana Reality, and the Bible Madipoane Masenya (ngwan'a Mphahlele)
The Bible and Africana Life: A Problematic Relationship Steed Vernyl Davidson, Justin Ukpong, and Go
Reading the Hebrew Bible Responsibly Wil Gafney
The Hebrew Bible in Africana Art, Music, and Popular Culture Kimberly N. Ruffin
Early Hebrew Poetry and Ancient Pre-Biblical Sources Hugh R. Page Jr.
Genesis Rodney S. Sadler Jr.
Exodus Judy FentressWilliams
Leviticus Madeline McClenney-Sadler
Numbers Michelle Ellis Taylor
Deuteronomy Harold V. Bennett
Introduction to the Prophets Cheryl Kirk-Duggan and Valerie Bridgeman
The Deuteronomistic History Jerome Clayton Ross
Joshua Temba L. J. Mafico
Judges Randall C. Bailey
1-2 Samuel Theodore W. Burgh
1-2 Kings Stephen Breck Reid
Isaiah Makhosazana K. Nzimande
Jeremiah Madipoane Masenya (ngwan'a Mphahlele)
Ezekiel Dexter E. Callender Jr.
Hosea Wallace Hartsfield
Joel John W. D. Holder
Amos Cleotha Robertson
Obadiah Elelwani B. Farisani
Jonah Valerie Bridgeman
Micah Elelwani B. Farisani
Nahum Valerie Bridgeman
Habakkuk Cheryl Kirk-Duggan
Zephaniah Dora Rudo Mbuwayesango
Haggai Kenneth N. Ngwa
Zechariah Jerome Clayton Ross
Malachi Stacy Davis
The Ketuvim: A Rationale Madipoane Masenya (ngwan'a Mphahlele) and Rodney S. Sadler Jr.
Psalms Nathaniel Samuel Murrell, David T. Shannon, and David T. Adamo
Job Madipoane Masenya (ngwan'a Mphahlele) and Rodney S. Sadler Jr.
Proverbs Naomi Franklin
Ruth Wil Gafney
Song of Songs Nathaniel Samuel Murrell
Ecclesiastes Jamal-Dominique Hopkins
Lamentations Wilma Ann Bailey
Esther Dorothy Bea Akoto (nee Abutiate)
Daniel Andrew M. Mbuvi
Ezra and Nehemiah Herbert Marbury
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