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Imperial Library
Cover Page
Title Page
Copyright Page
Part 1: In the grand scheme of things
1. Who are you?
2. What’s your organisation for?
3. When will your business die?
4. Will your organisation go to heaven?
5. Did the past never happen?
6. Are you a vertical or a horizontal organisation?
7. Are you sure you’re adding any value?
8. Would you rather suffer than change?
9. Do you love money?
10. How much is enough?
11. What disasters are being born as you read this?
12. What are the unintended consequences?
Part 2: In the market
13. Is your business an only child?
14. Is your brand a mask or a window?
15. What are your pheromones?
16. Would you buy what you sell?
17. Are your customers as real as you are?
18. Is all your networking on expenses?
19. Is your business a sign of the times?
20. Are you making enough of your weaknesses?
21. Why aren’t you predictable?
22. Are you searching for innovation where you expect to find it?
23. Do you want others to fail?
24. Do you even know what the market is?
Part 3: In your organisation
25. Why isn’t everything perfect?
26. Does your organisation face upwards, inwards or outwards?
27. What’s the itch?
28. Is your organisation dumber than its people?
29. Do you have to play the game to fit in?
30. Is your business a happy family?
31. Which lies are acceptable?
32. What do you do with the spies?
33. How much dead wood should you carry?
34. Are you thinking too much about your culture?
35. How do you deal with the high-performing bad citizens?
36. Which card would cause the house to fall?
Part 4: In your head
37. How much more valuable than your staff are you?
38. Whose love do you need?
39. Would you go down with your ship?
40. Shouldn’t you be paranoid?
41. When you shout, how high do they jump?
42. Are you 100% productive 100% of the time?
43. Are you lonely enough?
44. Does the autopilot need a rest?
45. Are your decisions a science or an art?
46. What do you tell yourself?
47. What would you tell your therapist?
48. What will they say when you’ve gone?
Further Reading
Reader’s Notes
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