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Imperial Library
Title Page
Copyright Page
Table of Contents
How to Use This eBook
Methodology: An Introductory Essay
General Bibliography
The Burnt Offering (1:1–17)
The Grain Offering (2:1–16)
The Well-Being (So-Called “Fellowship” or “Peace”) Offering (3:1–17)
The Purification (So-Called “Sin”) Offering (4:1–35)
The Graduated Purification (So-Called “Sin”) Offering (5:1–13)
The Reparation (So-Called “Guilt”) Offering (5:14—6:7)
Additional Instructions for the Priests (6:8—7:38)
Consecration of Priests and Sanctuary (8:1–36)
Inauguration of the Sacrificial System (9:1—10:20)
A Holy Diet (11:1–47)
Remedy for Physical Ritual Impurity Resulting from Childbirth (12:1–8)
Diagnosis of Ritually Impure Scale Disease (13:1–59)
Remedy for Physical Ritual Impurity Resulting from Skin Disease (14:1–57)
Physical Ritual Impurity Resulting from Genital Flows (15:1–33)
The Day of Atonement (16:1–34)
Warnings Regarding Sacrifices and Meat (17:1–16)
Morally Pure Life (18:1–30)
Comprehensively Holy Living (19:1–37)
More on Morally Pure Life (20:1–27)
Holy Lives of Priests (21:1–24)
Proper Treatment of Sacrifices (22:1–33)
Holy Occasions (23:1–44)
Holy Light, Bread, and Divine Name (24:1–23)
Holy Land (25:1–55)
Covenant Blessings and Curses (26:1–46)
Dedications to the Sphere of Holiness (27:1–34)
The First Census of Israel’s Military (1:1–54)
Arrangement of the Tribal Camps (2:1–34)
Sacred Responsibilities of the Levites (3:1—4:49)
Purification Laws for the Sacred Community (5:1–31)
Nazirites (6:1–21)
Priestly Blessing over the Sacred Community (6:22–27)
Offerings at the Dedication of the Tabernacle (7:1–89)
Menorah and Levites (8:1–26)
Second Passover: New Delineations (9:1–14)
Yahweh in the Cloud (9:15–23)
Silver Trumpets (10:1–10)
Leaving Sinai (10:11–36)
First Rebellion: Murmuring at Taberah (11:1–3)
Second Rebellion: Complaint about Food (11:4–35)
Third Rebellion: Challenge to Moses’ Authority (12:1–16)
Fourth Rebellion: Rejection of the Land (13:1—14:45)
Offerings from the Land and Other Laws (15:1–41)
Rebellion of Korah and Reubenites (16:1—17:13)
The Priests and Levites: Additional Responsibilities and Provisions (18:1–32)
Red Heifer Purification Ritual (19:1–22)
From the Desert of Zin to the Plains of Moab: The Last Rebellions (20:1—21:35)
The Book of Balaam (22:1—24:25)
Idolatry at Baal Peor (25:1–18)
The Second Census in the Plains of Moab (26:1–65)
Zelophehad’s Daughters (27:1–11)
Joshua Heir to Moses (27:12–23)
Appointed Times and Offerings (28:1—29:40)
Women’s Vows (30:1–16)
The Midianite Campaign (31:1–54)
Settlement of the Transjordan Tribes (32:1–42)
Triumphal March from Egypt to the Promised Land (33:1–56)
Boundaries of the Promised Land (34:1–15)
Levitical Cities and the Cities of Refuge (35:1–34)
Zelophehad’s Daughters Revisited (36:1–12)
Picture Index
The New International Version Appendix
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