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INTRODUCTION Blank Is Beautiful: Three Decades of Erasing and Remaking the World
PART 1 Two Doctor Shocks: Research and Development
1. The Torture Lab: Ewen Cameron, the CIA and the Maniacal Quest to Erase and Remake the Human Mind
2. The Other Doctor Shock: Milton Friedman and the Search for a Laissez-Faire Laboratory
PART 2 The First Test: Birth Pangs
3. States of Shock: The Bloody Birth of the Counterrevolution
4. Cleaning the Slate: Terror Does Its Work
5. “Entirely Unrelated”: How an Ideology Was Cleansed of Its Crimes
PART 3 Surviving Democracy: Bombs Made of Laws
6. Saved by a War: Thatcherism and Its Useful Enemies
7. The New Doctor Shock: Economic Warfare Replaces Dictatorship
8. Crisis Works: The Packaging of Shock Therapy
PART 4 Lost in Transition: While We Wept, While We Trembled, While We Danced
9. Slamming the Door on History: A Crisis in Poland, a Massacre in China
10. Democracy Born in Chains: South Africa’s Constricted Freedom
11. Bonfire of a Young Democracy: Russia Chooses “The Pinochet Option”
12. The Capitalist Id: Russia and the New Era of the Boor Market
13. Let It Burn: The Looting of Asia and “The Fall of a Second Berlin Wall”
PART 5 Shocking Times: The Rise of the Disaster Capitalism Complex
14. Shock Therapy in the U.S.A.: The Homeland Security Bubble
15. A Corporatist State: Removing the Revolving Door, Putting in an Archway
PART 6 Iraq, Full Circle: Overshock
16. Erasing Iraq: In Search of a “Model” for the Middle East
17. Ideological Blowback: A Very Capitalist Disaster
18. Full Circle: From Blank Slate to Scorched Earth
PART 7 The Movable Green Zone: Buffer Zones and Blast Walls
19. Blanking the Beach: “The Second Tsunami”
20. Disaster Apartheid: A World of Green Zones and Red Zones
21. Losing the Peace Incentive: Israel as Warning
CONCLUSION Shock Wears Off: The Rise of People’s Reconstruction
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