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Title Page
Table of Contents
Forword: Bishop Kallistos [Ware]
Introduction. Isaac of Nineveh as a Spiritual Writer of the Church of the East
1. The Church of the East at the Time of Isaac
2. The Christology of the Church of the East
3. The Life of Isaac the Syrian
4. The Writings of Isaac
5. The Sources of Isaac’s Theology
Chapter I. God, the Universe and Humankind
1. Divine Love which Reveals Itself through the Created World
2. The Structure of the Created World
3. The Incarnation
Chapter II. The Way of a Solitary
1. Solitude and Renunciation of the World
2. Love of God and Love of One’s Neighbour
3. Stillness and Silence
4. A Monastic Way to God
Chapter III. Trials on the Way to God
1. Temptations
2. Experience of Abandonment
Chapter IV. Humility
1. Humility as Assimilation to God
2. Humility as an Inner Quality
3. External Signs of Humility
Chapter V. Tears
1. Repentance
2. Bitter and Sweet Tears
Chapter VI. The School of Prayer
1. Prayer
2. Outward Aspects of Prayer
3. Prayer before the Cross
4. Reading
5. Night Prayer
6. The ‘Rule of Slavery’ and the ‘Rule of Freedom’
7. Prayer for the World
8. Meditation on God and ‘Pure Prayer’
Chapter VII. The Life in God
1. ‘Spiritual Prayer’ and the Stillness of Mind
2. Contemplation
3. Visions, Revelations, Insights
4. ‘Overshadowing’ and ‘Illumination’
5. Wonder
6. ‘Inebriation’ by the Love of God
7. Faith and Knowledge
Chapter VIII. The Life of the Age to Come
1. Meditation on the Future World
2. Life after Death
3. Eternal Punishment or Universal Salvation?
4. Divine Love which Reveals Itself in the Final Destiny of the World
Conclusion: The Enduring Influence of Saint Isaac
Index of Syriac Terms
General Index
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