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Imperial Library
1 Fisherman’s Bay. First days of the first poor man. An October night’s dream. A stirring sermon has no effect on an ill-fated hero
2 Four passions of a poor man with a weak heart, ending with an explanation of what love is
3 A hot morning in Fisherman’s Bay. We find four of our heroes at work in a devil’s kitchen where the word is made bread
4 The bucolic pill. An unfortunate polygamist. Personal appearance of Mr Silkbreeched Montagu. A family discussion. The seventh poor man. Reflections of Joseph in shop-windows
5 A southerly buster. Baruch at home. The tongue’s ephemeridae. Baruch in love. A patriotic demonstration. Catherine in love. A female argument. Withers kicked out. Defence of murder. Baruch is very sentimental
6 Backchat. Acerbity of Winter, effrontery of Fulke; the recognition of Marx postponed. Catherine wanders
7 Under the eschscholtzias. Montagu a skunk, Withers not a social type. Castaways in a busy harbour. Brother and sister. Examples of the long thoughts of youth; a mediaeval tyrant. The sons of Clovis. Catherine wanders again
8 Michael recalls his adventures, lets out a secret or two, goes to church, is advised to marry, visits his relatives, sees the early-morning fishing in Fisherman’s Bay, and brings the chapter solemnly to an end
9 In memoriam: a mass, a dream, a strange narrative. A new love
10 A chapter of accidents: two poor men in gaol, Montagu skips, three poor men without a job. Jo’s mother sums up
11 The seventh poor man leaves our shores. A kermesse, but nothing to startle the modest. A madman contributes a tale of beauty and horror. Kol Blount makes a complaint. End of a love affair. And Baruch’s last night in the antipodes. End and beginning
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