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Imperial Library
Title Page
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Introduction: Austrian Political Economy
Section One: Coercion and Regulation
1. Four Thousand Years of Price Control
2. The Other War
3. Who Will Regulate the Regulators?
4. Regulation and the Stock Market
5. Our Totalitarian Regulatory Bureaucracy
6. Antitrust, Anti-Truth
7. Antitrust Luddites
8. Socialized Healthcare vs. the Laws of Economics
Section Two: Politics and Thieves
9. Pay to Play: Why the Fuss?
10. Fed-ACORN Criminality
11. Price Gouging: The Real Problem
12. Farmed Robbery
13. The Founding Father of Crony Capitalism
14. The Curse of Instigationism
15. The State’s Media Lapdogs
Section Three: Centralization versus Liberty
16. Freedom and Federalism
17. The Origins of Nullification
18. The Real Meaning of the Fourth of July
19. Electing U.S. Senators was a Bad Idea
20. False Virtue: The Politics of Lying About History
21. How (and Why) the Lincoln Myth was Invented
22. Centralization Lets the Worst Rise to the Top
23. Death by Government: The Missing Chapter
24. The Birth of American Imperialism
25. Paul Krugman’s Politically-Correct “Civil War” Delusions
26. Grand Old Tyrants
27. Facialism: The New American System
28. In Defense of Sedition
29. Distorting History in the Service of the State
Section Four: Money and the State
30. Central Banking as an Engine of Corruption
31. States’ Rights vs. Monetary Monopoly
32. How Central Banking Hides the Cost of War
33. How the Fed Creates Unemployment
34. The Myth of a “Libertarian” Fed
35. The Myth of the “Independent” Fed
36. Why the Government is Responsible for the Sub-Prime Mortgage Meltdown
Section Five: Workers and Unions
37. The Political Economy of Government Employee Unions
38. The Inherent Violence of Unions
39. The False Ideological Foundation of Unionism
40. Markets, Not Unions, Give us Leisure and Safety on the Job
41. The Union Conspiracy Against Walmart Employees
42. How “Sweatshops” Help the Poor
Section Six: Truth and Lies about Markets
43. The Truth about the “Robber Barons”
44. The Truth about the Sherman Antitrust Act
45. The Myth of “Natural” Monopoly
46. The Virtues of Tax “Loopholes”
47. Macroeconomists Discover Economics and Debunk the New Deal (Again)
48. Will Socialism Make You Happier? The Trojan Horse of “Happiness Research”
49. The Canard of “Asymmetric Information” as a Source of Market Failure
50. The Real Ethics Problem in America
51. The Myth of Government Job Creation
52. The Myth of the Male/Female Wage Gap
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