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1. “Disclaimer” David Means
2. “I CAN SPEAK!™” George Saunders
3. Some Instructions to My Wife Concerning the Upkeep of the House and Marriage, and to My Son and Daughter Concerning the Conduct of Their Childhood (excerpt) Stanley Crawford
4. “One Thousand Words on Why You Should Not Talk During a Fire Drill” Mark Halliday
5. “Problems for Self-Study” Charles Yu
6. “Permission Slip” Caron A. Levis
7. “How to Become a Writer” Lorrie Moore
8. “The Dead Sister Handbook: A Guide for Sensitive Boys (Laconic Method to Near Misses)” Kevin Wilson
9. “Interview with a Moron” Elizabeth Stuckey-French
10. “Reference #388475848-5” Amy Hempel
11. “The Explanation” Donald Barthelme
12. Letters to Wendy’s (excerpt) Joe Wenderoth
13. “This Is Just to Say That I’m Tired of Sharing an Apartment with William Carlos Williams” Laura Jayne Martin
14. “Single Woman for Long Walks on the Beach” Ron Carlson
15. “My Beard, Reviewed” Chris Bachelder
16. “The Varieties of Romantic Experience: An Introduction”
17. “Vis à Vis Love” Mieke Eerkens
18. “Practice Problem” Joseph Salvatore
19. “Officers Weep” Daniel Orozco
20. “Subtotals” Greg Burnham
21. “Our Spring Catalog” Jack Pendarvis
22. “Reply All” Robin Hemley
23. “Chaucer Tweets the South by Southwest Festival” Kari Anne Roy
24. “Iconographic Conventions of Pre- and Early Renaissance: Italian Representations of the Flagellation of Christ” Rachel B. Glaser
25. “The Human Side of Instrumental Transcommunication” Wendy Brenner
26. “Class Notes” Lucas Cooper
27. “Dear Stephen Hawking” Samantha Hunt
28. “National Treasures” Charles McLeod
29. “Discarded Notions” Matthew Williamson
30. “Star Lake Letters” Arda Collins
31. “Life Story” David Shields
32. “Instructions for Extinction” Melanie Rae Thon
33. “Will & Testament” Matthew Vollmer
34. “Letter to a Funeral Parlor” Lydia Davis
35. “Acknowledgments” Paul Theroux
36. “Primary Sources” Rick Moody
37. “Contributor’s Note” Michael Martone
38. “The Year’s Best Fiction 2008: The Authors Speak” J. Robert Lennon
39. “About the Typefaces Not Used in This Edition” Jonathan Safran Foer
40. “The Index” J. G. Ballard
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