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Title Page
Chapter 1: Introduction to Economic Analysis in Health Care
1.1 Life, Death and Big Business: Why Health Economics is Important
1.2 Health Care as an Economic Good
1.3 Health and Health Care
1.4 Wants, Demands and Needs
1.5 The Production of Health and Health Care
1.6 Deciding Who Gets What in Health Care
1.7 Is the Market for Health Care Special?
1.8 Describing Versus Evaluating the Use of Health Care Resources
1.9 Judging the Use of Health Care Resources
Chapter 2: The Demand for Health Care
2.1 Why Study Demand? Profits, Policy and Improving Health
2.2 Consumer Choice Theory
2.3 Demand Functions
2.4 Modelling Choices About Health
2.5 Needs, Wants and Demands
2.6 Asymmetry of Information and Imperfect Agency
2.7 Aggregate Demand for Health Care: Theory and Evidence
Chapter 3: The Production and Costs of Health Care
3.1 Introduction
3.2 The Theory of Production
3.3 Multi-Product Firms
3.4 Returns to Scale, Additivity and Fixed Factors
3.5 Costs
Chapter 4: The Supply of Health Care
4.1 Firms, Markets and Industries in the Health Care Sector of the Economy
4.2 Structure, Conduct and Performance in the Health Care Industry
4.3 Profit Maximisation Models
4.4 Goals Other than Profit Maximisation
4.5 Competition, Contestability and Industrial Policy
Chapter 5: Markets, Market Failure and the Role of Government in Health Care
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Using Perfectly Competitive Markets To Allocate Resources
5.3 Market Failure In Health Care
5.4 Government Intervention In Health Care
5.5 Government Failure
Chapter 6: Health Insurance and Health Care Financing
6.1 Uncertainty And Health Care Financing
6.2 Risk And The Demand For Health Insurance
6.3 The Market For Health Insurance And Market Failure
6.4 Reimbursement
6.5 Integration Between Third-Party Payers And Health Care Providers
6.6 Health Care Financing Systems
Chapter 7: Equity in Health Care
7.1 Introduction
7.2 Equity in the Finance of Health Care
7.3 Equity In Distribution
Chapter 8: Health Care Labour Markets
8.1 Labour as a Factor of Health Care Production
8.2 Supply of Health Care Labour
8.3 Demand for Health Care Labour
8.4 Wages and Employment in Perfect Labour Markets
8.5 Economic Rent and Transfer Earnings
8.6 Wage Determination and Employment In Imperfect Labour Markets
8.7 Health Care Labour Market Shortages
Chapter 9: Welfarist and Non-Welfarist Foundations of Economic Evaluation
9.1 The Normative Economics Foundations of Economic Evaluation
9.2 Welfare Economics
9.3 The Pareto Principle
9.4 Potential Pareto Improvements
9.5 Social Welfare Functions
9.6 Measurability and Comparability of Utility
9.7 The Application of Welfare Economics
9.8 Non-Welfarism
9.9 Is There A Link Between Welfarism and Non-Welfarism?
Chapter 10: Principles of Economic Evaluation in Health Care
10.1 What Is Economic Evaluation?
10.2 The Economics Foundations of Economic Evaluation
10.3 Economic Evaluation Applied to Health Care Programmes
10.4 Decision Rules for Cost–Benefit Analysis
10.5 Decision Rules for Cost-Effectiveness and Cost-Utility Analysis
10.6 Equity in Economic Evaluation
Chapter 11: Measuring and Valuing Health Care Output
11.1 Introduction
11.2 Monetary Valuations of Health Care Benefits
11.3 The Measurement of Health Outcomes
11.4 Making Health Status Indicators Fit for Purpose
11.5 The Measurement of Health Gain
11.6 Non-Monetary Valuation of Health States
11.7 Multi-Attribute Utility Measures
11.8 The Valuation of Health States: Willingness To Pay for Health Changes
11.9 The Value of Life
Chapter 12: Economic Evaluation Methods
12.1 Introduction
12.2 Selecting The Viewpoint
12.3 Estimating Costs
12.4 The Measurement of Health Gain
12.5 Discounting
12.6 Modelling-Based Economic Evaluation
12.7 Trial-Based Economic Evaluation
12.8 Dealing With Uncertainty: Sensitivity Analysis
Chapter 13: The Use of Economic Evaluation in Decision Making
13.1 The Decision-Making Context: Why is Economic Evaluation Used?
13.2 Who Buys Economic Evaluations? Does it Matter?
13.3 Is Economic Efficiency all that Matters?
13.4 How is Economic Evaluation used to Make Decisions in Practice?
13.5 Cost-effectiveness League Tables
13.6 Programme Budgeting and Marginal Analysis
13.7 Cost-effectiveness Thresholds
13.8 Evaluating Economic Evaluation
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