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Imperial Library
Author’s Note
1. Flirt: ‘I may as well take you off my prospective girlfriend list’
2. Fun: ‘you look like Cleopatra’
3. False: ‘the truth is that she probably sucked my cock’
4. Fresh: ‘hello, I’m Randall Grand’
5. Face: ‘why don’t you fancy me?’
6. Freeze: ‘you better not meet someone else’
7. Fade: ‘from now on just wear black’
8. Food: ‘you look just like me’
9. Fate: ‘that’s a coincidence’
10. Flame: ‘it would have saved me a lot of pain’
11. Flair: ‘my wire eye browed wife’
12. Axe: ‘I think you should go home’
13. Ape: ‘you can write a book about me’
14. Ankh: ‘you’re like my mum’
15. Air: ‘it’s such a relief that you are here’
16. Act: ‘I feel famous again’
17. Arms: ‘have you seen Fight Club?
18. Ash: ‘save me’
19. Ape: ‘this is the best birthday present I’ve ever had’
20. A: ‘it was boring actually’
21. And: ‘do you?’
22. Child: ‘you will make a great mum’
23. Call: ‘it won’t last’
24. Cold: ‘I am obsessed with my girlfriend’
25. Chance: ‘we are leaving’
26. Case: ‘how are you getting home from the airport’
27. Cross: ‘you cunt’
28. Choose: ‘I’ve changed some things’
29: Coy: ‘I feel like eating loads’
30: Crack: ‘Imagine if I was still bulimic’
31. Cack: ‘when do you poo?’
32. Tour: ‘I love hearing your laugh’
33. Tact: ‘I don’t want to be with somebody who is star-struck’
34. Train: ‘I’m not getting on any fucking train’
35. Trips: ‘I want to stop having sex with strangers’
36. Tap: ‘I shan't see you again’
37. Tease: ‘you’ve got to stay upbeat’
38. Trust: ‘all women should wear burkas’
39. Tunes: ‘we need more time together’
40. True: ‘I love you’
41. Twelve: ‘these sea shoes are good’
42. Same: ‘disingenuous’
43. Sea: ‘come on, let’s skinny dip’
44. Shark: ‘your skin is so soft’
45. Snap: ‘The Sun is printing it’
46. Sun: ‘she’s asked me to text her a photo’
47. Sack: ‘just get rid of her’
48. Self: ‘look they talk about you’
49. Sex: ‘it’s such a relief’
50. Suck: ‘you look like a painting’
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