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By the Same Author
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1 A Stands for Aeroplane: his is the Eye That Camouflage Tries to Defeat; This is Why
2 B is for Bomber: He’s Coming So Fast, If He Can’t See You Quickly, Why, Dammit, He’s Past
3 C is for Camera. Try to Confuse The Enemy’s Reading of Aerial Views
4 D is Deception, which Plainly Implies You’ve Got to Tell Jerry Some Credible Lies
5 E is for Enemy: Keep Him in Doubt When you must Make a Mess What That Mess is About
6 F is for False Work, which will Serve to Distract The Enemy’s Eye from the Genuine Fact
7 G is for Garnishing, This should Be wound To Copy the Texture and Tone of the Ground
8 H is for Hiding, So Please Keep it Dark, and Remember to Go in the Shade When You Park
9 I is for Invention, Consider the New Ways to Conceal Our Secrets from View
10 J is the Job which has Got to Be done: The Camoufleur Knows It and so does the Hun
11 K is the Knowledge of how to Combine Doing the Job with Leaving No Sign
12 L is for Lay-Out: the Way that you Face Is of Vital Importance So Choose the Right Place
13 M is for Maintenance of the Disguise: Leaving Covers Unchecked is Always Unwise
14 N is for Nets which are Simply a Frame For the Garnishing on them, So Garnish the Same
15 O is Opacity Over the Gun, You Must Garnish Opaquely, but Think of the Sun
16 P is for People Moving Around, Do so at Night and Merge with the Ground
17 Q is the Question you cannot Decide, But the Camouflage Officer’s there as a Guide
18 R is for Regularity, Huts in a Row, Or Guns Equidistant are Certain to Show
19 S Stands for Siting, for Spoil or for Scrim: 3 Covers 2 but on 1 Sink or Swim
20 T is for Tracks, which will Photograph Light, and Disclose your Activities; Keep them from Sight
21 U is the Use you make of Dummies, So the Enemy can Never Trust What He Sees
22 V is for Vision, This Means more than Sight, Use a Strategy to Keep Your Scheme Tight
23 W is for Waste. Please do not Forget Steel Wool is much Harder to Replace than a Net
24 X is for Extras, There will Always Be Some, But Think Economically to Get the Job Done
25 Y is for You, Sir, on whom will Depend The Success or the Failure of All in the End
26 Z is for Zeal with which you Apply These Few Simple Principles – do have a Try
An Ending
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