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Imperial Library
Chapter One Renaissance versus Baroque Music
Disintegration of Stylistic Unity
Stylistic Comparison between Renaissance and Baroque Music
The Phases of Baroque Music
Chapter Two Early Baroque in Italy
The Beginnings of the Concertato Style: Gabrieli
The Monody: Peri and Caccini
Transformation of the Madrigal: Monteverdi
The Influence of the Dance on Vocal Music
Emancipation of Instrumental Music: Frescobaldi
The Rise of the Opera: Monteverdi
Tradition and Progress in Sacred Music
Chapter Three Early and Middle Baroque in the Northern Countries
The Netherlands School and Its English Background
English Antecedents: the Abstract Instrumental Style
The Netherlands: Sweelinck
Germany and Austria in the 17th Century
Chorale and Devotional Song
Chorale Motet and Chorale Concertato: Schein
The Dramatic Concertato: Schütz
Continuo Lied, Opera, and Oratorio
Instrumental Music: Scheidt, Froberger, and Biber
Chapter Four Italian Music of the Middle Baroque
The Bel-Canto Style
The Chamber Cantata: Luigi Rossi and Carissimi
The Oratorio: Carissimi and Stradella
The Venetian Opera School
Instrumental Music: the Bologna School
Chapter Five French Music Under the Absolutism
The Ballet de Cour
French Reactions to Italian Opera
Comédie–Ballet and Tragédie Lyrique: Lully
Cantata, Oratorio, and Church Music
Lute Miniatures and Keyboard Music: Gaultier and Chambonnières
Music in the Iberian Peninsula, New Spain, and Colonial America
Chapter Six English Music During the Commonwealth and Restoration
The Masque and the English Opera: Lawes and Blow
Consort Music: Jenkins and Simpson
Anglican Church Music: Porter, Humfrcy, and Blow
Henry Purcell, the Restoration Genius
Chapter Seven Late Baroque: Luxuriant Counterpoint and Concerto Style
The Culmination of Late Baroque Music in Italy
The Rise of Tonality
Concerto Grosso and Solo Concerto
Ensemble Sonata and Solo Sonata
Opera Seria and Opera Bufa—Cantata and Sacred Music
Late Baroque and Rococo Style in France
Ensemble and Clavecin Music
Opera and Cantata in France
Chapter Eight Fusion of National Styles: Bach
The State of Instrumental Music in Germany before Bach
The State of Protestant Church Music before Bach
Bach: The Early Period
Bach the Organist: Weimar
Bach the Mentor: Cöthen
Bach the Cantor: Leipzig
Bach, the Past Master
Chapter Nine Coordination of National Styles: Handel
The State of Secular Vocal Music in Germany before Handel
Handel: German Apprentice Period
Italian Journeyman Period
English Master Period: Operas—Oratorios—Instrumental Music
Bach and Handel, a Comparison
Chapter Ten Form in Baroque Music
Formal Principles and Formal Schemes
Style and Form
Audible Form and Inaudible Order
Chapter Eleven Musical Thought of the Baroque Era
Code of Performance: Composer and Performer
Theory and Practice of Composition
Musical Speculation
Chapter Twelve Sociology of Baroque Music
Courtly Musical Institutions of State and Church: Private Patronage
Civic Musical Institutions: Collective Patronage
Social and Economic Aspects of Music and Musicians
List of Abbreviations
Checklist of Baroque Books on Music
List of Editions
List of Musical Examples
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